Orthack, the Destroyer of Men, is standing atop Mount Turmoil - TopicsExpress


Orthack, the Destroyer of Men, is standing atop Mount Turmoil addressing Studds Manly, the steadfast hero who is standing in front of a large crowd of villagers from Quietshire. BEHOLD STUDDS AND ALL WHO AE WITNESS, he bellows, ALL WHO DEFY ME FACE MY RATH. On those words Orthack gestures to an altar where Janitor, Studds faithful custodian and companion, is tied up. Orthack takes out the Dagger of Demonic Pain and cuts Janitors face off then proceeds to wear it like a mask while laughing and doing the chicken dance. Aghast at this display, the villagers flee and Orthack then produces the Crystal of Destruction and begins saying incantations into the crystal. The crystal shoots fire out of it like great blasts of lightning and hits structures in the village. Trying to think of a way to act quickly, Studds runs to the bakery of Ferg Meekly, the humble baker, and breaks down the door. He immediately takes all of Fergs rolls, pasteries, and uncooked dough and lights them and the building on fire, hoping that Orthacks weakness for fresh baked goods will cause him to stop laying waste to the town. As the aroma of fresh sweet rolls wafts from Fergs now burning home, some of the aroma wafts over to Borg Nybors house where he and his wife were planning to go pick blueberries in the backyard. Borgs wife, Belinda hates the smell of baked goods so much that she decides to cancel the blueberry picking plans and stay in. Furthermore, the aroma of baked goods is so thick that it invades the blueberries themselves making them taste slightly bready in the months to come. Orthack continues his onslaught, blasting buildings left and right. One blast hits Greggor Millers pond and boils the water to the point of evaporation. Many people used Greggors pond to get water for their animals as it was the only watering source close enough to the village. The pond also contained a rare fish that was a popular dish in Selma Folds restaurant. 1. In the weeks after the attack, little Tish Toolittles cannot get the image of Janitor being killed out of her mind. She has sought the counsel of many healers and holy people to help her cope through this tough time, and has amassed a serious amount of medical debt. She comes to your law office asking if she is entitled to any relief. What relief is Tish entitled to? 2. Ferg wonders if there is anything he can do about the loss of his bakery in the wake of the attack? Could Studds be liable for his heroics? 3. Borg Nybor is mad that he didnt get to go blueberry picking? He seeks any relief he can get? What is he entitled to? Is Belinda, his wife, entitled to anything? 4. No one wants to go to Selma Folds restaurant these days without that rare fish on the menu? Does she have any cause of action under these facts? #barstudy
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:22:42 +0000

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