Orthodox Sunni Islam has two key threats from within its own ranks - TopicsExpress


Orthodox Sunni Islam has two key threats from within its own ranks - meaning from those who also claim to be Sunni Muslims: 1. The Liberal Secular Left 2. The Extreme Right There has always been a focus from us on increasingly loud secular liberal voices but the greater danger to Ahll-Sunnah are the extreme conservative right, represented today by those like ISIS, Al-Qaidah, some factions of the Pakistani Taliban, and then general takfiri groups from the Salafi/Sufi diaspora which might not always have a military aspect. You might be shocked to read that the conservative right are the bigger problem. And so you should be. But theres no doubt about it. They should know better. They are almost always relatively more knowlegable about the Deen, and practice it using immaculate references and evidences, and are often associated with actions of selflessness and sacrifice that all common people would respect and aspire to. And that *is* the exact danger. Look and listen to the secular left. What an embarrassment. Even the most basic of Muslims (even non-Muslims!) can see these charlatans and con-artists as they make the Deen up as they go along, whether its some feminist bakwas, or reinterpreting the Quran, or modernist nonsense or some watered-down claptrap being spouted from the mouths of ignorant shameless losers. They deny the most basic of obligations and the Noor has been snatched from their faces. They make the biggest fools of themselves when they speak, sell out the religion but unfortunately for them they hide it *very* badly, and frankly, are *so* easy to spot and avoid that we really do waste far too much time refuting them. We should trust the basic Muslims more to suss their diatribe out. And they generally get it right. And avoid them like the plague. As for the extreme conservative right. We look at them and we get impressed. We feel guilty because they do what we cant or wont. They dont shirk away from the obligation of jihad, they pray better, they recite better, they even look better whatever that means: more modest, more authentic, more real even? That is exactly how the Prophet (s) described them: making your prayer and Quran look like nothing in comparison, but he also warned that if he would be amongst us when these deviants raised their ugly head, he would be the first to wipe them out. This is a indication of the concern and anger of the Prophet (s) towards this group, and also how difficult it can be to spot them because they say and do all the right things. That is why it is the specific responsibility of the scholars to call out such deviant groups whenever they appear. And here they are now again, best expressed in the form of ISIS or IS to play along with their game. I have been involved with refuting their likes for many years now, in all their forms, and its a messy job as you shall see in the comments to this and upcoming warnings about them. But I expect to be rewarded for it because it has to be done. They are damaging themselves and the honour of this Deen in a mighty way and it must be stopped. Having said all of that, it is essential for us to not lose our heads and to be careful with our language and what we say about them. To declare someone to be *the* Khawarij is a serious thing. That effectively is a declaration that their blood is halal and that those being attacked by them and resisting them should go out and kill them legally because they are the Khawarij etc. Many of us dont want to go there for a number of reasons as shall become clear later. For now, ISIS is a deviant group, a fiatul baghiyah, that are Khawarij-esque and must be advised sincerely and when that has failed (as has been seen) then they must be warned from but should not be engaged in fighting. More to follow later iA. May Allah guide us all to the Straight Path. Ameen.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 20:06:20 +0000

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