Osho : In Soviet Russia a photographer, a rare scientist, Kirlian, - TopicsExpress


Osho : In Soviet Russia a photographer, a rare scientist, Kirlian, has discovered that before one person becomes ill, six months before, the illness can be photographed. And this is going to be one of the greatest discoveries in the world of twentieth century. It will transform the whole concept of man, disease, medicine, everything. It is a revolutionary concept, and he has been working thirty years and he has almost proved everything scientifically that when a disease comes to the body, first it comes to the electric aura around the body. A gap comes to the... You may be going to have a tumor in the stomach after six months. Right now no base exists. No scientist can find anything wrong with your stomach; everything is okay, no problem. You can be checked thoroughly and you are right. But Kirlian photographs the body on a very sensitive plate: he has developed the most sensitive plates. And on that plate not only your body is photographed, but around the body a light aura which you carry always. And in that aura, near the stomach there is a hole in the aura – not exactly in the physical body, but something is disturbed. And now he says that he can predict that within six months there will be a tumor. And after six months, when the tumor comes to the body, x-rays show the same picture as he had taken six months before. So Kirlian says without being ill it can be predicted – and it can be cured before ever it comes to the body, if the body aura becomes more circulating. He doesn’t know how it can be cured; acupuncture knows, Patanjali knows how it can be cured. Disease for Patanjali is some disturbance in the body aura, in the prana, in the bio-energy, in the electricity of your body. That’s why through Aum it can be cured. Sometime, you sit lonely in a temple. Go through some old temple where nobody goes, under the dome – circular dome is just to reflect the sound – so sit under it, chant Aum loudly and meditate on it. And let the sound reflect back and fall upon you like a rain, and suddenly you will feel after a few minutes your whole body is getting peaceful, calm, quiet: the body energy is getting settled.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 03:30:01 +0000

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