Osifu’s articles are written not only for you but also for the - TopicsExpress


Osifu’s articles are written not only for you but also for the future generations so that they would know what happened on the earth in Osifu’s time. Osifu也希望外星生灵看到Osifu的文章,让外星生灵知道Osifu所处的时代地球发生了些什么。 Osifu also hopes that the extraterrestrial beings have the chance to read Osifu’s articles so that they would know what happened on the earth in Osifu’s time. Osifu要如实地记录下所看、所听、所闻、所观、所感。 Osifu has to record faithfully what he has seen, heard, viewed, perceived and felt. Osifu所说的每一句话并不是仅仅对你们说的,是对过去、现在、未来所有的宇宙生灵说的。 Every word Osifu says is not only for you, but also for all cosmic beings of the past, the present and the future. 今天依然泡了一壶茅岩莓茶,品了品,依然是苦的,苦得沁人心脾,苦后依然是甜的,甜得淡如幽兰。 Again, a pot of Mao Yan Berry Tea was made today. Osifu tasted it. It still tastes bitter but refreshing. After bitterness it is still sweet and sweet like light orchid. 其实Osifu的文采并不好,也不擅长遣词造句。Osifu读小学和中学的时候喜欢的是理科,喜欢探索宇宙奥秘。花费大量的时间亲手制作竹蜻蜓、风筝、飞机模型、轮船模型、帆船模型、电动机、发电机、风车等等,当然大多数实验都失败了。 In fact, Osifu is neither talented in literary grace nor good at wording and phrasing (modest remark). Osifu loved science and loved to explore mysteries of the universe when he was in primary and secondary schools. Osifu spent plenty of time making bamboo dragonflies, kites, airplane models, ship models, sailboat models, motors, generators and windmills, etc. Of course, most of the experiments failed. 值得一提的是,Osifu亲手制作的风筝放上了天,为此曾经开心过很久。此前所就读的小学,还没有哪个同学可以做到。 It is worth mentioning that Osifu’s handmade kite was flied into the sky, for which Osifu was once very happy for a long time. Before then no one could do such a thing in the primary school where Osifu was. Osifu小学和中学的理想一直是想成为一名科学家,立志于研究探索宇宙奥秘。今天看来,Osifu的这个理想并没有改变,依然在研究探索宇宙奥秘,只不过是现在思路更明晰、目标更明确、范围更宽广、心胸更广博。 Osifu always dreamed of becoming a scientist in primary and secondary schools and made up his mind to study and explore mysteries of the universe. From today’s perspective, it seems that Osifu hasn’t changed his mind. Osifu is still studying and exploring mysteries of the universe. The difference is that Osifu has his train of thought clearer, target more specific, scope wider, and mind broader. 宇宙太浩瀚,无边无际,宇宙是无限大和无限小的统一体。 The universe is far too vast and boundless. The universe is the unity of infinite great and infinite small. 时间太虚幻,无始无终,时间是无始和无终的统一体。 Time is too unreal with no beginning and no end. Time is the unity of no beginning and no end. 空间太虚幻,无内无外,空间是频率和维度的统一体。 Space is too unreal with no inward and outward. The space is the unity of frequency and dimension. 人类以现有的智能水平、科学仪器和研究方式永远无法揭示宇宙奥秘。 With the current level of intelligence, scientific instruments and research methods, humans will never uncover mysteries of the universe. 地球人的整体智能水平亟需提升。 The overall intelligence level of earth humans needs to be improved urgently. 地球人的整体智能水平已经无法适应地球文明进步的需要了。 Earth humans’ overall intelligence level has already been unable to adapt to the needs of the earth civilization progress. 地球人的智能需要一场“革命”,主要指的是内在的“革命”——调整、清洗、转换、净化、升华、提升。 Earth humans’ intelligence needs a “revolution”, which mainly refers to inner “revolution”—adjustment, cleaning, conversion, purification, sublimation and ascension. 这场智能革命要实现人类认识思维的大转换、大升华、大飞跃,体现在以下十个方面: This intelligence revolution needs to achieve a great conversion, great sublimation and great leap for humans’ cognitive thinking, which is reflected in the following ten aspects: 宇宙总体观的认识思维。 1, The cognitive thinking of overall view of the universe. 运行规律化的认识思维。 2, The cognitive thinking of running regularization. 万有系统化的认识思维。 3, The cognitive thinking of all things systematization.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 08:08:14 +0000

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