Osun election: INEC urged to change strategy The Chairman of - TopicsExpress


Osun election: INEC urged to change strategy The Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Prof. Attahiru Jega, has been advised to learn from the conduct of the Osun State governorship election and change his strategy of “accreditation first and voting later.” A former governorship candidate of the National Conscience Party in Ogun State, Mr. Lanre Banjo, made the call in his congratulatory message to Governor Rauf Aregbesola of Osun State on Sunday. Banjo, in the message made available to our correspondent, said the system of accrediting first and voting later disenfranchises many including the elite who are not willing to be exposed to the risks associated with voting in Nigeria. He said the exposure to risks needed to be minimised by encouraging a system where people who want to come in, get accredited, vote, leave and those who want to hang around could be accommodated. He said, “In Ondo, 1.64 million people were registered to vote, but only 645,597 were accredited and 624,659 actually voted which implied that 20,938 voters decided not to go back to the polling booths due to the crude manner we conduct our elections. “In Edo, 1.6 million voters registered to vote, 667,993 were accredited and 629,461 voters actually voted. Again 38,532 people did not go back to the polling booths due to the unrefined manner we conduct our elections. “In Anambra, 1.8 million Nigerians registered to vote, 300,000 voted in 2010, only 17 per cent of the registered voters. I have been crying out that this accreditation first and vote later system needs to be changed. “The system disenfranchises many including the elites who are not willing to be exposed to the risks associated with voting in Nigeria. This exposure to risks needs to be minimised by encouraging a system where people who want to come in, get accredited, vote, leave and those who want to hang around could be accommodated. “Ekiti figures are not available yet, but I am sure it will be the same trend. The State of Osun has approximately 1.4million registered voters, while figures of accredited voters are not available, it can be concluded that many did not go back to vote based on the result of the election.” Banjo however commended INEC officials who conducted the elections in Osun for not allowing those he called agents of darkness to use them as pawns. He also lauded citizens of the state for shunning violence and for trooping out to vote. He congratulated Aregbesola who he described as a dogged fighter and colleague on the street on his re-election. He said, “Governor Aregbesola led the fierce battle and won the fight. I will be remised if I do not thank the team that worked for the success of this campaign. I watched the last mega rally, and I have no choice but to doff my hat for everyone that put that campaign together. “Nigerians must learn from the event in the state of Osun. The resolve of the Osun citizens to exercise their rights without succumbing to threats, and their unyielding determination not to allow delinquents to preside over their affairs is commendable. “They have twice rejected the man imposed from the prison, the Consultant Extraordinary, to be their Senator and now to be their Governor. They have proven to the whole world that they had no hand in that imposition. For these and more, I applaud them.” Banjo also called on the leadership of the All Progressives Congress to engage in self review of certain issues tearing the party apart, saying that Aregbesola’s ecumenical approach yielded fruits. While noting that the governor managed the state in his first term without rancour from his fellow party members, he added that Aregbesola even extended collegiate hands to members of the opposition party including the National Conscience Party in a mature manner not witnessed in any other state. “Unlike many in his position, he does not feel conceited, and he respects those who are not yet governors. Aregbe’s style must be studied and emulated,” he concluded.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:02:43 +0000

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