Other than his fundamental dishonesty about certain conditions in - TopicsExpress


Other than his fundamental dishonesty about certain conditions in America, what he stands for, his record, his failure to accept responsibility for his actions, his demonization, his divisive rhetoric, his arrogant promise to double down on his unconstitutional unilateral executive actions, his calls for yet more government instead of less, his foreign policy distortions and his diminution of the presidential office, President Obamas State of the Union address was pretty good. President Obama remains on his high horse about minimum wage, but he conveniently ignores that only 1 percent of the people in the U.S. labor force earn minimum wage, that the largest group among them is teenagers, that most are younger than 25, that most work less than 30 hours a week and that there are more than six times more minimum wage workers now than there were in 2007, shortly before he took office. More importantly, he doesnt admit that increases to minimum wage invariably lead to increased unemployment. He continued his phony GOP war on women meme with his distortion of the employment pay disparity between men and women. He has to know that it is outright misleading to imply that women who are in the same jobs as men are paid only 77 cents for every dollar the men are paid. Studies show that women who are doing the same work as men receive less, but its closer to 91 cents for every dollar. He boasted that more than 9 million Americans have signed up for private health insurance or Medicaid coverage. He failed to mention that because of Obamacare, more than 5 million Americans have been forced out of their private plans and that many are losing access to their doctors. He didnt say that his law robs $700 billion from Medicare to finance unnecessary new health care spending under Obamacare. He omitted Obamacares deliberate assault on religious freedom. Nor did he discuss his lawless edicts exempting entities from the laws mandates. Obama says he has cut the deficit in half. Thats only close to true if you use as a base line Bushs last (partial) fiscal year, which was an extraordinary year because of the financial crisis. Hes probably the biggest spender in the history of the universe. His current deficit is about twice Bushs average deficit, and if it werent for Republicans forcing spending cuts, it would be much higher. Obama blocks reform of entitlements, which will bankrupt the nation unless restructured, and if he had his way, hed further increase spending, with more stimulus and infrastructure schemes. Obama says we have the lowest unemployment rate in over five years, conveniently ignoring that we have the lowest labor participation rate in decades and that some 50 million people are on food stamps! His spending, taxing and regulations are killing the job market. Obama touted the American peoples profound belief in opportunity for all. Opportunity, he said, is who we are. No one believes that he is part of that we. If he truly cared about opportunity, he would loosen his stranglehold on the private sector and promote jobs. He would quit opposing work requirements in welfare reform and stop sabotaging the labor market with his minimum wage and unemployment extension agenda. Obama dovetailed this counterfeit fealty to opportunity with his demagoguery about income inequality. But his own policies are exacerbating income inequality, and he has no solutions to alleviate it -- other than to use government to confiscate the assets of some Americans and give them to others. He cant talk about upward mobility on the one hand and then do everything in his power to discourage people from helping themselves on the other. In a staggering display of dishonesty, he took credit for increased American production of oil and natural gas and claimed he supports energy independence. In the meantime, he impedes both industries -- and the coal industry -- and implements oppressive fuel omission standards. Any increases in energy production, other than his failed green projects, are in spite of him, not because of him. Hes pushed for cap and trade, imposed energy taxes and demanded more onerous regulations on oil, gas and coal. And though global warming, er, climate change is a fact and settled, were freezing our buns off in the Midwest.Obama impugns the wealthy at every opportunity, implying that most have acquired their money unfairly or through inheritance, which is demonstrably, statistically false. He vilifies Republicans while saying he wants us to all work together.He says Republicans are only against things and not for anything. In fact, theyve proposed countless reform plans, on health care, energy, taxes, spending, entitlements, defense and job creation. He knows better, but he has but one mode of operation: division, polarization and demonization. If all this werent bad enough, he promises even more unlawful unilateral action, as if he were king and not the head of one of three coequal branches of government. If he had his way, he would be.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:54:21 +0000

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