Other than understanding the empty or fictional nature of our - TopicsExpress


Other than understanding the empty or fictional nature of our thoughts as a method of liberation, we can take one step further back and look at from where, how and why the believed-in thoughts are arising in the first place. Its like looking further upstream to see where the turbulent water is originating from and why. Our confused and fragmented thoughts are not just arising without some context and mode of appearing. Rather they are occurring within a process: the process of conceptualizing, or conceiving experiences or perceptions through analysis, naming and labeling. The individual thoughts and beliefs are simply the products of such an analytical process. The conceptualizing or thinking process is inherently crippled due to its function of fragmenting reality or experience into imagined independent entities, persons, objects and things. The result is that we lose the unitary perception and experience of universal Wholeness and the fundamental coherence of all of Reality. This prevents seeing the big picture of the overarching rightness of exactly how things are from moment to moment. Seeing and feeling this perfection in actual conscious experience or not; determines our having a positive and optimistic mood or having a sense of existential angst, hopelessness and fear. Seeing the perfection and the resulting positive mood clearly, fosters a great freedom to afford a profound sense of humor and a spontaneous capacity to act creatively with joy and real verve within our relationships and lives. To continue to see life and our world through the lens that fragments Wholeness into isolated and independent parts only fosters a life experience that reflects that distorted view. We feel isolated from the Whole. We feel depressed and alone. We may often live lives of quiet desperation and at the end, die in a moment of fear and trembling. What is this lens that distorts our wholistic vision of Reality? Its the mental process of conceptualizing, naming, labeling and believing the fictional and divisive products of our thinking process itself. To return to the experience of Wholeness, simply replace the thinking and conceptualizing process with that of non-judgmental awareness or pure observingness. You will discover a much greater clarity and problem solving capacity when less encumbered by the habitual judging, labeling and analyzing of experience. Others will notice your seeming openness that has endless depth. Your relationships will prosper because there is no fixed limit to your capacity for intimacy, empathy and acceptance. So instead of struggling with the endless stream of individual damaging beliefs and troubling thoughts, go upstream and observe the source of all the mental and emotional turbulence. Its your own habit of fragmenting the perfect and complete Wholeness into imaginary pieces and separate parts. Then notice how the stream flows and opens into the wide and limitless ocean where whatever the stream brings is accepted as being not other than Itself.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 10:45:45 +0000

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