Otherwise Entertained (18) Both days Kelvin skipped school and - TopicsExpress


Otherwise Entertained (18) Both days Kelvin skipped school and treated her back with ointment. They passed the hours making love, barely separating in time to avoid being caught. Morgan treasured every moment, wishing they could fall into sleep holding one another, but she made sure she stayed alert. She was well aware how terrible it would be to be surprised by Tony. When Kelvin slipped away Friday afternoon, she took a quick shower. After toweling dry, she used a makeup mirror to check the reflection of her back in the mirror over the basin. The welts had faded and her skin was almost as it should be. She was very fortunate there would be no permanent scarring. That was probably in large part due to Kelvin’s ministrations. The bruise on her wrist had faded away and her limp was almost gone. She supposed being young and strong had advantages. She combed out her hair and hurried to get dressed before Tony arrived home. She put out the snack food she had purchased that morning. The apartment was as neat as possible because she had cleaned up earlier. Tony threw the door open, banging it against her desk. He looked around the room and shouted, “I see you have completely wasted another day. While I shower, lay me out some clothes and pour me a drink. I want to relax. The week has been long and difficult.” He went to the bedroom and came out naked in a few moments. Morgan waited until she heard the shower come on, and then went to the bedroom. She laid out some comfortable clothes she thought Tony would like. She warmed the leftovers from the supper he had prepared the night before. When she heard the shower turn off, she got out a tumbler. She filled it with ice and poured in the whiskey. When Tony walked into the room with his unruly brown hair still damp, he took the glass she handed him and sat down on a barstool. She served the food and sat across the bar from him. She studied his face and decided the cruelty of which he was capable was hidden. His dark eyes kept the secret well. His lips did not turn down derisively unless he was looking in her direction. He was completely absorbed in eating. When they were finished, she washed the dishes, and rearranged the items she had moved for their meal. As she put an album on the turntable there was a knock at the door. Tony answered it, letting Wagner, Kelvin, Cade, and Ramsey inside. The guys spread their gaming gear around the room. Kelvin helped arrange the snacks they brought on the bar. Wagner went back outside and came in with a case of Olde English 800. Kelvin put it in the refrigerator. He was, Morgan thought, even more at home in the apartment now than he had made himself in the past. None of the others was apt to notice because they had always been welcome and comfortable here. Tony said, “Let’s go outside. I have something you all have to see.” As everyone followed him out, another car pulled up at the already overcrowded edge of the road. Jason and Max got out of the car and joined the group on the front lawn. Tony said, “Now watch this!” He took a long gulp out of the bottle of Bacardi 151 and handed it to one of the others. Then he lit a lighter and a huge tongue of flame erupted into the air. As everyone applauded, Tony began slapping at his face. When he removed his hands, Morgan realized his eyebrows were singed. He said, “That my friends is how you breathe fire.” Kelvin said, “I rather not if the result is burning my face, but by all means do as you please.” Wagner brought the machetes from one of the cars and a swordfight broke out. All the guys took turns competing with one another. Morgan watched and hoped no one would suffer injury. She realized they were not trained or practiced and could easily make mistakes, which could be painful. After some time they grew tired and went inside. They took beer from the refrigerator and snacks from the bar. Morgan set up her screen and readied for the game. When all of them had settled into their places, they began an adventure. Everyone enjoyed the game and the play was intense. They became absorbed in the action and time passed quickly. Any time Wagner, Ramsey, and Kelvin’s characters could manage something devious toward Tony’s, they did. Morgan realized the guys were avoiding being too obvious, but they were making things hard for her husband. He was drinking heavily enough that it all seemed to pass over him with little effect. When his character died, he only drank more and played the music more loudly. When Morgan suggested they stop playing for the night there was some protest. The group enjoyed exploring her world. She was pleased with their reaction since she spent so much time devising the scenarios. They finally gathered their gear when she refused to continue. The guys drank some more and then dispersed. Kelvin was the last to walk out, seeming reluctant to leave. Tony told her, “Pour me another drink and leave this mess for tomorrow. I want you to come to bed with me.” She poured the whiskey and walked down the short hall behind him. He grabbed her as she entered the bedroom, kissing her sloppily and roughly. His mouth tasted so intensely of whisky that it was almost sickening. Morgan tried to turn away, but he forced his tongue into her mouth. He began taking her clothes off and then said, “You get undressed while I do. I intend to make use of your body tonight. It is the least I deserve for marrying such a worthless piece.” She undressed, hoping that no abuse would occur. She said, “I am sorry I don’t make you happy anymore, Tony.” He pushed her down on the bed, mounted her, and said, “You’ll make me happy enough if you just meet my needs.” When he was done with her, he drank his whiskey, and lay down beside her. Soon he was snoring. She lay there for what seemed hours listening to his breathing. When she was sure she was not going to fall asleep, she carefully crept from the bed. She gathered her clothes from the chair where she had left them and closed the door as she exited the room. She considered taking a shower, but decided there was too much possibility that it might rouse him. She washed up and dressed in the bathroom. She went to her desk, turned on the small fluorescent lamp, and took out her journal. She wrote a few notes and put the notebook back in its hiding place. The idea occurred to her that it might be refreshing to go for a ride. She gathered her purse and keys, turned out the lights, and left the apartment. She gently closed the door behind her and locked it. She got in Katie and maneuvered the big car away from the apartment as quietly as she could. She did not turn on the headlights until she was a little way down the street. She sighed as she drove away. She had discovered a freedom she had not experienced before. She drove out to the deserted highway where she had learned to drive and speeded through its many curves. She hoped no police officer would turn up as had happened when she drove here with the guys. She repeated her drive down the highway pushing the Cadillac to an almost dangerous speed. It felt so good, so much like running away, leaving the problems of her existence behind. Maybe it was unsafe being out alone in the early hours of the morning, but she was not afraid. She felt powerful, as if she had broken bonds that were holding her against her will. The quiet out here was refreshing. Just listening to the air whisper as it slipped over the fast moving metal gave her a feeling of deep satisfaction. When she completed driving the road the third time she decided she should find another area to haunt. She drove back into her little town and went to a Waffle House restaurant. She ordered a Diet Coke and hash browns. When the waitress brought her order, she was grateful for the sustenance. She ate and drank slowly, taking time to think out what she should do next. She decided to drive some more before she returned to the apartment. There was no reason for her to be in that unhappy place any more than she must. This driving alone at night was amazingly comforting, bringing a peace she had rarely experienced. She left a five-dollar bill on the table and paid her bill at the register. As she drove away from the brightly lit building, she thought how it was like an oasis in the night. Anyone could come in from the dark, finding light and friendly voices there. No wonder the place was so popular. Even this late it had been crowded and noisy. The food had been tasty and filling. It was a perfect place to while away some lonely moments. Most of the town was dark at such an hour. Only a few businesses had signs that stayed lit overnight. On the residential streets very few homes were lighted. Most everyone was sleeping in preparation for the daylight hours when the business of life could be conducted. She knew she should go back home and get some sleep, but she could hardly call the apartment home now. It lacked the love and tranquility that drew one to feel at home. The only times she enjoyed being there were when she was alone, when Kelvin visited, and when the guys came over to play Dungeons & Dragons. As she drove the quiet deserted streets thoughts of Kelvin invaded her brain. Even imagining his touch revived her and made her feel there was reason to continue living. She decided to drive by the apartment where he lived with his mother and brothers. When she went through the parking lot, she saw a light in the kitchen window. She drove around the other side of the building and saw there was also a light in one of the front windows. She knew at 2:00 in the morning she should not make a visit, but she was tempted. She drove through the parking lot again and parked in one of the empty spaces. She turned the car off and sat thinking for several minutes. There was no way she should go knock on the door, but she wanted to very badly. What could she say if someone other than Kelvin answered the door? There was no good reason for her to be here at such an hour. Someone else would suspect any explanation she gave, but she wanted to see Kelvin very badly. After debating the action and trying to devise some words to say, she got out of the car. She closed the heavy door as quietly as possible, but it was still very loud in the quiet. She walked very slowly to the steps that led to the back door. She paused before going up the steps; she realized she was shaking nervously. When she reached the door, she hesitated again before knocking. She knew this was a crazy thing to do, and she turned from the door. She thought of Kelvin’s gentle caresses and sweet kisses, and turned back. She knocked very softly. She shivered waiting for an answer. She listened thinking she might hear someone coming to answer, but the only noise she could hear was her own shallow breaths. When the door opened, she stepped back, and almost cried out in relief upon seeing Kelvin’s face. They each moved forward into an embrace. © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:29:05 +0000

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