Ottawa aims to improve First Nations education by taking control - TopicsExpress


Ottawa aims to improve First Nations education by taking control of failing schools By Lee-Anne Goodman THE CANADIAN PRESS OTTAWA _ The federal government is proposing a sweeping education overhaul on First Nations reserves to bring aboriginal schools up to provincial standards in a purported attempt to put the brakes to a cycle of poverty among aboriginals. The Conservatives tabled a draft of the First Nations Education Act late Tuesday that would see Ottawa set and enforce standards for schools on aboriginal reserves, and wrest temporary control of those that fail to make the grade. The government has long held that substandard schooling and academic performance has played a significant role in impoverishing native Canadians. A recent C.D. Howe Institute report determined that almost half of aboriginal students nationwide fail to get to Grade 12. The study found Manitoba had the worst record of six provinces with substantial aboriginal populations, with 63 per cent of natives failing to graduate high school. The governments draft bill, arriving as major unrest and discontent continues to simmer among First Nations communities, calls for an outside inspector to review school standards and performance every year on native reserves, and to make suggestions for improvement when necessary. If the inspector finds that ``major and persistent problems arent being dealt with by First Nations, Ottawa can then appoint a temporary official to manage schools, particularly if there are ``major risks to students safety and outcomes. Leading up to the unveiling of the legislation, aboriginal leaders cautioned the government against exerting too much control over First Nations. Tyrone McNeil, president of the Vancouver-based First Nations Education Steering Committee, said earlier this week that his province already has an accountable, functioning education system. He added that B.C. aboriginals dont need Ottawa dictating changes that could jeopardize or undermine that system. Other aboriginal groups and education advocates have warned that the Harper government risks repeating the paternalistic mistakes of the past in its proposals. The Conservatives, meantime, say the legislation is ultimately aimed at giving First Nations control over their own education. Carolyn Bennett, the Liberals aboriginal affairs critic, urged the government to rethink its strategy. ``The Conservatives should push pause on this flawed, top-down strategy, sit down with First Nations communities and build a workable, fully funded plan that respects, supports and empowers First Nations to control their own education systems, she said in a statement. First Nations are pressing for more say over everything from education to local governance and resource development. The so-called Idle No More movement has also been demanding a dialogue between Ottawa and First Nations about how their communities are funded and accountability for the money thats spent. There have also been tensions over resource development projects that have spilled over political lines. Members of New Brunswicks Elsipogtog First Nation celebrated Monday after a judge in that province lifted an injunction that ordered them to end their blockade outside a compound owned by SWN Resources. They oppose a shale gas development due to environmental concerns, fearing the impact on local drinking water supplies. The Harper government released a so-called blueprint document this summer that promised to give First Nations authority over and accountability for their education programs. But since then, several groups have urged Ottawa to abandon the blueprint, saying it doesnt meet standards set out by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The UN, meantime, announced earlier this month that its launching a probe into Canadas human rights record with its aboriginal people. The government is calling for feedback on its draft legislation before introducing it in the House of Commons.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 02:05:26 +0000

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