Our Canadian health care sucks ! I know very well what Brock - TopicsExpress


Our Canadian health care sucks ! I know very well what Brock Lesnar is talking about when it comes to Canadian health care ! He almost died when he was in a Canadian hospital in Alberta, but as soon he went back to the USA, American doctors have quickly diagnosed him and saved his life ! What Canadian doctors were unable to diagnose in four days during his stay in a Canadian hospital, American doctors were able to diagnose him in a half an hour ! Canada ranks # 30 on WHOs list of quality health care and the US ranks # 47, but American doctors are much better than Canadian doctors for those who have insurance ! There are lots of doctards in Canada who do not know what the hell they are doing, thats why i am still having problem with my post-op right hip ! I am in great pain and to this day i was still not properly diagnosed by doctards in a white robe [ what other names should i call them ] ! My problem with pain is located at sacral ilias joint, around the top of the pelvis girdle, around gluteus maximus muscle, tightness around the groin muscles, pain around the surgery area, and i also have a muscle rotation problem which i also had before that damn surgery ! I had high amount of ions in my blood as result of previous sergery when metal on metal THR Zimmer implants were instaled ! Instead of just replacing the ball on top of the stem inserted in femur bone and the metal cup, he went to replace the entire THR implant including stem which resulted in broken femur bone ! He had to tie this broken femur bone with three wires which are now still inside me around the top of the femur bone, and are causing pain and discomfort, beside having pain and discomfort in other associated areas ! Finally, last week i was able to convince my doctor to send me to the MRI scan, which should have been done long ago by the surgeon who did the damn revision surgery ! That surgery was a total mess and a failure, and now i am paying a dear price ! Every step i make on my right leg i feel sharp pain in my lover back and around the pelvis girdle ! What Canada really needs is an annual revaluation system as the one Britain has, that would evaluate doctors performance and strip incompetent doctors of their licenses ! We also need a mandatory hip and knee surgery registry, so we would be able to know know how each patient is doing after the surgeries, and which surgery went bad ! That system is already in place in the USA and EU, while the present Canadian registry is based on voluntary base only ! Yesterday i went to my local Federal MP Mark Adlers office and my Ontario MPP Monte Kwinter office to show their assistants a picture of my right hip post-op ex-ray, which clearly shows what i am talking about, when i am saying i am in big pain ! Today i went to my physiotherapy clinic and on the way there i loudly shouted because of the sharp pain when vehicle that drove me there hit the road bump ! It was like someone was cutting my lower back around the SI joint with a damn knife ! Yes Brock Lesnar is right, our health care is very poor, our doctors are not as good as American doctors and there is no system in place to hold these doctors accountable when they do something bad ! French health care is the best health care in the world ! In France any patient can directly contact any specialist they want without having to go trough the general medical practitioner, while in Canada you cant get an appointment with a specialist without approval of your general medical practitioner ! French doctors are paid less than doctors in Canada but they are doing much better job that their colleges in Canada ! At this point and time i am in great pain when i walk [ with a cane ] and when i sleep, and i am really getting pissed off by all this ! It took a long time to convince my general practitioner to send me to an MRI test and now i am waiting to be called to go for that damn test, i should had gone long ago, but my surgeon did not sent me there when i complained to him about all this ! Actually my past revision surgery supposed to be conducted by another more experienced older surgeon Dr Cameron, but he gave my case to another younger surgeon who did not have much experience with revision surgeries, and now i am paying a dam price ! My pain has became so bad that i had to stop any activities with my upper body martial arts practice i was able to do up to recently ! My right hip hurts like a hell and i dont like it a bit ! Yeah, our health care is really going down the drain and my case is just a tip of an iceberg as a proof of that ! youtu.be/PNpZ1n9l-cs
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:35:37 +0000

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