Our Caribbean islands are being taking over from under us. - TopicsExpress


Our Caribbean islands are being taking over from under us. Foreigners are buying up the land at alarming rate. Their power, influence and unwanted culture have wiggled its way in. They dont care for the people. It’s more about the money and the rich resource of the land. They put up the false face saying how they can help and improve the infrastructure or provide this and that. Africa is a captured land. Jamaica is a captured land. Trinidad is a captured land. Haiti in my opinion is not a captured land. Land that they fought and won. This is the same reason Haiti is going through so much trouble. Do you really think they still dont hold a grudge against Haiti since 1804. Haiti was the spark and influence for all. Haiti is not captured but they are being raped. Agree with me or not but if it wasnt for the earthquake you would have never knew that the land was occupied by millions of non-Haitian. At the same time they preach how Haiti is so poor. The earthquake opened up the worms that they didnt want you to know. Two things that are big business and very underground, again believe me or not, is human trafficking and organs. Let me put this in perspective. Let take a family that are living poorly and a foreigner comes and say I want to adopt your child, they will be feed and well taking care of, plus we will send pics and communicate with you. The parents jump for joy. Ok, sounds great but here is the problem. This child is giving and introduced to what he/she didnt have, at the same time that child is told to do things around the house at a level that he/she doesn’t see it as nothing. Then again having them so young that they dont respect their Haitian culture because they are only taught their culture and history. They say slavery dont exist, I beg the differ, its still around but in a different camouflage form. When I hear that some rich person is adopting a black child from Africa or the Caribbean I never feel right. If you feel so sad about the child take the family with you as well or move them out their living conditions. If you want to really help, help inside the county. Ok, now organs, one of the most money making. Following me on this. When they selected slaves they were the strongest most fit a nice healthy one to do the heavy work. I don’t remember who told me this but heard it from elders. They say George Washington teeth was not wood, but the teeth from slaves. Lets move to today’s time. I’m a rich guy and have everything I want, but what I don’t have is good health and I’m desperate for a kidney. I need it a.s.a.p. Waiting is not an option. Make a few calls and miraculously I have a donor. Question, how they got that organ? There is an underground hit crew that’s how. Targeting predominately us. Why? It’s easy to stage a killing or report a missing person, also remember They have all of your medical info at birth. Wonder why all the shootings in minority neighborhoods occur so frequently, why it isnt stopped or even addressed with a sense of urgency. Lets say there is shooting a drive-by, a young man is shoot. His body is sent to the coroners his organs can be taking out and stitched back up. Once the body is ruled a homicide that body is only viewed first by the coroners and then after those family members can view the body. They might see that the body have marks and stitching here and there and assume that was part of the investigation. They would never know that his organs were missing. How this relates to Haiti. Well the earthquake supplied many bodies and displaced love ones. Think about it, wouldn’t be easy for someone or someone records to go missing in all that commotion. This is a big big business, a business they refuse to talk about cause money rule and they are making money from the US to China. Look it up yourselves, put A and B together to go to D and you will C clearly. Start with Kendrick Johnson. I wonder why they call it the Black Market.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 09:27:30 +0000

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