Our Daily Bread August 26, 2013 — by Anne Cetas What’s At - TopicsExpress


Our Daily Bread August 26, 2013 — by Anne Cetas What’s At Stake? Read: Proverbs 19:15-25 "Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days." —Proverbs 19:20 To stake or not to stake? That’s the question Marilyn faced when she planted a tree sapling last summer. The salesman said, “Stake it for one year so it will be supported in strong winds. Then remove them so it can grow deep roots on its own.” But a neighbor told her, “Staking may cause more harm than good. The tree needs to start building strong roots right away, or it may never. Not staking is best for long-term health.” We wonder about that question in relationships too. For instance, if someone has gotten himself into trouble, do we “stake him down” by rescuing him, or do we let the person “grow strong roots” on his own by allowing him to face the consequences of his choices? Obviously it depends on what seems best for the person’s long-term spiritual health. What does love do, and when does it do it? Proverbs 19 gives opposite thoughts: We are to have “pity” and lend our assistance (v.17), yet there are dangers in rescuing another because you might need to do it again (v.19). Providing the right help requires wisdom beyond our own. God hasn’t left us on our own. He will give us the wisdom when we ask Him. And as we lean on Him, our own roots will grow deep in Him as well. We lack wisdom, Lord, in many situations. We know we’ll make mistakes, but teach us to be dependent on You. Thank You that You will be faithful. Grow our roots deep in You. Real wisdom is looking at the world from God’s point of view. ******************* 《靈命日糧》 2013年 08月 26日 - Anne Cetas 該不該做? 讀經: 箴言19章15-25節 "你要聽勸教、受訓誨,使你終久有智慧。" —箴言19章20節 究竟要不要以樁柱來支撐樹苗呢?這是去年夏天瑪利蓮的疑問。那時她買了棵樹苗,銷售員跟她說:「開始的第一年你要用樁柱支撐樹苗,這樣才能頂得住強風侵襲。過一陣子後再撤掉,樹苗才能靠自己向下扎根。」但是她的鄰居卻說:「以樁柱支撐樹苗的壞處多於好處。樹苗必須從一開始便自己長出強壯的樹根,不然永遠都長不好。從長遠來看不用樁柱能使樹苗更強壯。」 同樣的問題也適用在人與人之間的關係上。舉例來說,假如有人惹上麻煩,我們應該像「樁柱」一樣支撐他,幫他一把?還是讓他自食其果,汲取教訓以「茁壯成長」?當然,這取決於哪個作法真的對這個人的靈命成長有幫助。如果憑著愛心行事的話,我們到底該怎麼做,又該何時做呢?箴言19章提出反向思考:「憐憫貧窮的,就是借給耶和華」(17節),可是這麼做也是有風險的,因為「你若救他,必須再救」(19節)。要提供恰到好處的幫助,光靠我們有限的智慧是不夠的。 上帝並沒有對我們不聞不問。只要我們跟祂求,祂便會把所需的智慧賜給我們。當我們倚靠祂時,我們的根也會深植於祂。 主啊,我們在許多地方實在缺乏智慧。 我們知道自己常會犯錯, 求主幫助我們可以倚靠祢。 謝謝祢的信實,幫助我們得以深植於祢。 真正的智慧是以上帝的眼光來看世界。 English: odb.org/2013/08/26/whats-at-stake/ Chinese: traditional-odb.org/2013/08/26/該不-該做?/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 04:41:38 +0000

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