Our Facebook Sunday Sermon is brought to you by Gilbert - TopicsExpress


Our Facebook Sunday Sermon is brought to you by Gilbert Morales. (Palms 118:8) It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust man. July 13, 2014- The Point To confess Jesus as the Christ means that we proclaim that we believe He is the anointed one of whom the Old Testament prophets had prophesied. The word Christ is the Greek rendition of the Hebrew word Messiah. We believed Jesus was the fulfillment of Isaiahs prophecy. This means Jesus was the one appointed by God to assume the royal, priestly office of the promised Messiah. It is necessary to believe and be willing to confess this belief. I wish I could underline BELIEVE, because many say they believe in God, but don’t really believe the scriptures? It is not the same thing as confessing Jesus as Lord. For example, when Peter proclaimed on Pentecost that God has made Him both Lord and Christ-- this Jesus whom you crucified. (Acts 2:36 ), he was saying God made Jesus two different things; Lord and Christ. The Difference It is entirely possible to confess ones belief that Jesus is the Christ without confessing Jesus as Lord. People do it all the time. To confess Jesus as Christ is to state that we believe He is who He claimed to be; the Savior, the Son of God, the Redeemer. We do need to do this to be saved. But to confess Jesus as Lord involves not only the mouth, but is a recognition that He is our Lord and Master and that we are willing to submit to and obey Him. Again, I wish I could underline OBEY, because many say they believe in God, but don’t really obey the rules? Early disciples would never have disturbed the Roman authorities for confessing Jesus as the Christ. They would not care about that. But to confess Jesus as Lord and king was another matter. To say that their first allegiance was to the Lord Jesus as opposed to Caesar got many of them thrown into prison and killed. When the unbelieving Jews wanted to get Rome after the Christians, they would accuse them of accepting Jesus as Lord or king (Matthew 22:15-22; Acts 17:6,7). Confessing Jesus as Lord So, practically speaking, what all is involved in confessing Jesus as Lord? Well, obviously the first thing involved is speaking of our acceptance of His Lordship. Book of Romans says, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord... (10:9). But it does not end there. It only begins there. Jesus, in fact, does not even want us to make such a confession if we are not willing to act upon it. He does not want us to call Him Lord and Master if we are not willing to commit to doing the things He says. He said, And why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say? (Luke 6:46). Instead, our deeds need to match our words: And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. (Colossians 3:17). To confess Jesus Lordship with our mouths while not submitting our lives to Him is empty. If He truly is our Lord, then He controls both our words as well as our deeds. The bible gives us revelation, understanding and a spirit lead life. May this Sunday morning reflection of God’s word be of great benefit to you, as we can see in 2Timothy 3:16 the Bible said, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. Of course this can be confusing if you refuse the voice of God. God talks, to us in a very personal and intimate way, if you listen. God wants you to listen to the message He puts in our heart. Have a delightful week; until next Sunday Numbers 6:23-25 “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you Visit us on Friday’s @ 7:30pm 2118 N. Central Park Chicago IL 60641 Message brought by Gilbert (Youth Pastor)
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 13:46:39 +0000

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