Our Father, We come in prayer seeking you, like weary - TopicsExpress


Our Father, We come in prayer seeking you, like weary wanderers that are desperate and lost in the desert. We read in the Psalms of how passionately David longed for you…he knew great sorrow in his life… and he had incredible moments where he felt your presence in such profound ways… he was so in awe of you and yet in his humanness, he committed great sin…but he found his way to back to you…he knew he needed you, like he needed air to breathe. Father, may we be humble servants after your own heart like David was. May the need burn within us to meditate on you and your word and may we long to be in your presence. May we call to mind the many times that you have been there for us…the many victories that you’ve given us…the many times that your grace and strength have sustained us. May we find such joy in you Lord, that we could dance before you with praise and adoration… unafraid…unashamed…filled with utter joy, because of who you are and because of your great love and compassion for us. Father, when the hard times come…when our souls are in anguish…when we are hard-pressed…when those who are against us try to cause us harm or distress…when we cry out to find you in the darkness…may we remember all the examples in the Bible of people who also cried out to you and found you. The Bible is full of people who cried out to you …people seeking mercy…people who found you to be faithful, just and true. Father, you don’t want our relationship with you to be shallow. You long to have fellowship with us…you seek us out…you stand waiting with open arms and a heart filled with more love for us that our bodies can contain. You long for us to experience the fullness of you and your joy…you long to show us your peace that overshadows our fears and all that we face…you long to carry our burdens …you long to take our sadness and turn it into joy…oh, Father, may we know you more intimately than we thought was possible. Take our lives, Lord and may they be consecrated to you. May we find our fulfilment in you. May we trust you with the longings and desires of our hearts, knowing that you will only give good gifts to your children and you have the best plan or our lives. Thank you Lord for who you are…thank you for calling us your own…we give you this day and all that is in it and we pray that we would bring you glory and honour with all that we do and say. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 13:11:17 +0000

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