Our Father, You are such a gracious and good God! You supply us - TopicsExpress


Our Father, You are such a gracious and good God! You supply us with everything we need to live and to focus on you as the source of life. Thank you for the opportunities you send our way to be living witnesses of your grace and love. Thank you for a salvation that cannot be surpassed and that you offer as a free gift to all who will accept you as personal Lord and Savior! Thank you for giving us a good mind that will remain so, as long as we keep it trained on you and your ways! Help us to never have as our purpose to propagate lies, but show us the truth that we can be joyful witnesses of it! Jesus, Help us to never take our blessings for granted. Use each one that is your child to reach out to a world that is lost in the hopelessness of sin, for you are the only cure for sin. Use us as your arms and legs in this world to spread your message everywhere we go! Be with those today that are sick, that they might see you as the Great Physician. Enable them to see that ALL healing comes through you! Make your presence known to those that are grieving and soothe their distress by filling the emptiness that has been created in there lives with your love, and the knowledge that you are in control. You, alone, know the future and we can have peace in that fact. Strengthen us to stand tall in this knowledge when evil individuals seek to destroy the truth! Lord, We are so thankful that you have bestowed on us such a rich Southern Heritage. Our forefathers knew that you were the only source of strength in our troubled lives. They stood firm in their commitment to you and we must do the same! You are THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life - there is no other way to eternal life except through you! May the things that we do bring glory to you and honour to those that have gone before us, who have showed us your path. We can do no less as we stand for truth in our day! Give us the strength to do so. All this we pray in the Holy and Precious name of Jesus Christ - Amen!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 09:34:24 +0000

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