Our Fathers Priority For Us Above all, our Father desires for - TopicsExpress


Our Fathers Priority For Us Above all, our Father desires for us to be at rest in spirit, soul and body. That is the overall message in the story of Noah...... Genesis 6:12-14 (NKJV) 12 So God looked upon the earth,and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 13 And God said to Noah,“The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. 14 Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make *rooms* in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with *pitch.* Noahs name in Hebrew actually means rest. In fact, the very first time the word grace is mentioned is in association with his name here in Genesis 6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Literally, Rest found Grace in the eyes of the LORD! It means, if you want to see more of Gods grace, be a person of rest--not worried or stressed--but fully trusting God for your protection and provision. David, for instance, wanted to build a temple for the LORD but he was a man of war. The Holy Spirit is thereby showing us we cannot build a fitting tabernacle for the Lord if we are filled with all kinds of internal strife. That does not mean anything can happen to your salvation which is secure forever. AMEN! However, our physical structure, our bodies or tabernacle, can and does suffer if we are full of fear and unrest. The Lord told him that his son, Solomon, would build it, whose name means peace. Back to Noah, in Genesis 6:9 it says, This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, *perfect* in his generations. Noah walked with God. The word in Hebrew for perfect here is tamim, the same word as used in this verse in Exodus 12:5-- 5 Your lamb shall be without *blemish*-{tamim}, a male of the first year. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. What does being without blemish have to do with Noah? Fallen angels that had children by human females (Ewww, YUK!!) had so polluted the human race with their intermingling that Noah an his family were the only eight fully-human, tamim-physically unblemished people left. Now do you see why the flood HAD TO happen? It broke the Fathers heart. You may or may not know that this polluting of the human race was one the devils myriad of PATHETIC AND FAILED attempts to stop the Seed of the woman, our Jesus, from being born and, thereby, COMPLETELY CRUSHING HIS HEAD. (See Jude 6: these fallen angels are locked up). You see, the devil didnt have a play book or score card to tell who the players were so he did everything he could down through history to thwart Gods plan. So Tamim is referring to physical, not spiritual, perfection. God told Noah to build an arkbut out of gopherwood. The wood to build the ark came from a living tree, obviously. In order to use its wood, it had to be be cut down, cut into boards, beaten into shape and hammered with nails in order to build a suitable craft which would save the entire, fully-human race. Just like the wood, our Jesus life had to be cut off, His body cut, beaten and hammered to the cross with nails in order to become an Ark of safety for the whole world. (box of tissues, please!). Noahs next instruction was to make rooms in the ark. The Hebrew right here is so beautiful. The word for rooms is qenin, which means nests. Just as baby birds are kept warm and cozy, their every need attended to by the mother bird, so, too, these precious people God sheltered and cared for in the ark, safe in the midst of total destruction on every side with God to care for their every need. He was also instructed to line it with pitch inside and out. Pitch is oily and would make the boat waterproof. The word the Holy Spirit chose to use for the word pitch, is not the normal word, zetteth, but the word kapher, which means atonement, for the covering of sins! This word later becomes the word kapporeth, which means mercy seat! Kapporeth is the word Jesus uses here in this verse in Exodus 25:22: And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, (kapporeth) from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel. AWESOME!!!!! God wants us to rest in Him and trust Him to supply our every need. Oh, how He loves us. And that is our Fathers #1 priority for us.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:57:40 +0000

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