Our First Lady, Ann McCrory, at her first press conference, spoke - TopicsExpress


Our First Lady, Ann McCrory, at her first press conference, spoke out Wednesday in favor of legislation restricting puppy mills. This is occurring at the same time as 500-600,000 people will be denied Medicaid coverage by the state because of her husband’s refusal to participate in Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. As of now, there are seven Republican governors who have signed on to this expansion. These include Florida’s Gov. Rick Scott and Arizona’s Jan Brewer. Meanwhile our local hospital will lay off 150 employees because of Gov. McCrory’s decision. Current estimates are that this could cost the lives of more than 1,000 North Carolinians, and this does not even consider the job losses in healthcare and the loss of whatever savings people might have. I am so saddened by this. Do we really value dogs more than people? Is there any wonder why the protests at the legislature are called MORAL Mondays? What is wrong with our education system which would raise people to have such an ethical lapse? Finally, is there any wonder that many of the people involved in the Moral Monday protests are clergy, the very people who in our society uphold the basic religious tenet that all people are created in the image of God?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 13:39:41 +0000

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