Our Founders said NATURAL BORN had to be the stipulation for VP or - TopicsExpress


Our Founders said NATURAL BORN had to be the stipulation for VP or President spots. It means born in US to US citizen parents, with no foreign ties, allegiances or anti US views. The "natural born" clause excludes children of visitors/illegals who violated our laws, broke into our country and had children here, and excludes children born to naturalized citizens and America haters. Some of the terrorists were born in US to foreign parents. John Jay urged this wording to be inserted in the criteria for President or VP as a national security clause. Deep ties, roots and allegiance to America is required for top spots or we end up with men like Obama. President Chester Arthur was born in England and hid his records much like King Obama did. It all came out AFTER Arthur left office. The biggest difference is that Arthur was not anti America and did not run first in the New Party---MARXIST ideology, like Obama did. @JonStewart @JayLeno @BillGates @StevenSpielberg @AlGore @jaketapper @SenMarcoRubio @alvedaking @AlfonZoRachel @SenJohnMcCain @clairecmc @davidaxelrod @NancyPelosi @GovHowardDean @JoeBiden @SenBoxer @SenFeinstein @foxnation @CBS @CNN @ABC @nprnews @MSNBC @NPR @Maddow @@hardball_chris @seanhannity @RedAlert @RightSpeaknet @SenTedCruz @SenRandPaul @SenMikeLee @AnnCoulter @RepPaulRyan @MicheleBachmann @DarrellIssa @DennisDMZ @deneenborelli @michellemalkin @AllenWest @pamelageller @geertwilderspvv @MarkSteynOnline @DavidBartonWB @BlackRepublican @Project21 @NewsNinja2012 @FDRepublicans @StarParker @newzealblog @ErikRush @realDonaldTrump @loudobbsnews
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:40:56 +0000

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