Our Heroes arrive into the town of Ravenstead by a horse pulled - TopicsExpress


Our Heroes arrive into the town of Ravenstead by a horse pulled carriage. Our Heroes are lead by Confibulator the (Halfling fighter) and Jaune Arc the (Dwarf fighter). They also have Blossom the beautiful (Elven cleric), the cunning (Halfling rogue) Ozpin and the nefarious (Dwarf wizard) Maxwell. Upon arrive the group decided to ask around town looking for jobs to do looking to earn some money and fame. After a day of asking and with no luck the group decide to call it quits and head to the towns tavern the Drunken Dragon. As they are drinking they are approached by a mysterious stranger that no one in the group has seen around town. He is wearing expensive clothing much more expensive than anything anyone else is wearing. He asks the group of adventurous they he needs help clearing out his cellar. He said that he has been working on a few magical experiments but some had backfired and now he had a few "small monsters" running amok down there. He explains that he is no warrior and cannot best the beasts himself but has no doubt the strong warriors of our party can. He says he is willing to offer a prize of 50 gold to each party member for completion of this quest. They party of heroes happily accepts, happy they got their first job. They follow the man to his house which is actually a large manor locations just outside town. Ozpin being the clever sharp tongued rogue that he is asks the man to cut him a deal. He asks for half of the prize money now and the other half when he finishes. The man accepts with a grin other members of the group try their luck at this as well but the man tells them to hurry along they will get their money when they are done. As the group enters the dark and musky cellar they come across a few zombies and small rats nothing to big. However they find a necromancy summoning circle on the ground and the group wonders what kind of magical experiments has this man been up to. Necromancy is outlawed. They also come into a room with stone tiles elevated off the ground with strange symbols on them. Stepping on these tiles causes them to drop down and the symbols on them glow. Confibulator stands off and back on the tiles and notices the symbols turn on or off when pressure is applied to them. He asks everyone to step on one of the tiles to light them all up to see what happens. Upon lighting up all the tiles a zombie is summoned at the summoning circle as well two strange stone basins become filled with a strange silvery glob. Confibulator dips his house into the strange liquid and receives a nasty bite from something big within. The vague reflection of an undead dragon can be seen inside the liquid. Jaune Arc recognizes the dragon as Grimma the Dragon God of Death a patron of worships among necromancers. Jaune also notices illustrations of Grimma along the walls and on tapestry. It becomes clear to the group this man is no normal mage he is a necromancer. The group is interrupted by two giant wererats. It seems this man has been up to allot of illegal magical experiments. The group fight the wererats to find themselves losing to the beasts feral strength. Maxwell realizing these beasts may be too strong to fight decides to run and leave the group to fend for themselves. Losing one member the group loses moral but Ozpin being the clever rogue that he is comes up with an idea to use some of the rope he bought in the store to tie the rats up. He also suggests to use other things to their advantage such as the candle flames. With the beasts dead and the group just escaping death but saved due to Blossoms healing. They continue further into the cellar when they come across a strange woman. She flees when she sees the group approaching. The group catch up with her and some strange large metallic orb made of the some liquid as before. The reflection of the dragon Grimma is much clearer now. She explains that the man outside is her husband and she is a powerful necromancer named Maria Blackheart and that she and her husband having been trying to create a portal between this world and the world in which Grimma resides. However they need lots of souls to make the portal work. They have been using souls from the undead zombies she can summon but those souls are weak and it would take hundreds of them to finish the spell. So they decided to use the souls of the living she says that her husband was going to look for some foolish people he could bribe with coin to come down here. Maria Blackheart tires to kill the adventures by summoning a few zombies and casting some black magic herself but she is slain. Jaune Arc takes her shadow force dagger as a trophy for delving the final blow. As they leave they encounter the man who gave them the quest and the necromancers husbands. He pleads and begs for his life giving them the money he owned them and runs for his life before the group can do anything.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 21:21:51 +0000

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