Our IDD Rates IDD PREMIUM 8 SEN PER MIN TO 60 COUNTRIES Argentina Costa Rica Hong Kong * Netherlands Singapore * Australia Cyprus Hungary New Zealand Slovakia Time Fibre Optic IDD call rates: Austria Czech Republic Iceland Norway Slovenia Bahrain Denmark India * Pakistan * South Africa Barbados Estonia Ireland Panama South Korea * Belgium France Italy Peru Sweden Brazil French Guiana Japan Poland Switz/Liecht Brunei Darussalam * Georgia Lithuania Portugal Taiwan Canada Germany Luxemburg Reunion Island Thailand * Chile Greece Malta Romania United Kingdom China * Guadalupe Martinique Russia USA * Colombia Hawaii Morocco San Marino Venezuela Flat rate of 8 sen/min applies to fixed line calls. Also extended to mobile calls to selected countries marked with asterisk (*). IDD PRO 10 SEN PER MIN TO 100 COUNTRIES Algeria China * Hungary Martinique San Marino American Samoa * Colombia Iceland Mexico Singapore * Andorra Costa Rica * India * Monaco Slovakia Anguila Croatia Indonesia * Mongolia Slovenia Argentina Cyprus Iran Morocco South Africa Australia Czech Republic Ireland Mozambique South Korea * Austria Denmark Israel Namibia Spain Bahrain Egypt * Italy Netherlands Swaziland Bangladesh * Estonia Japan New Zealand Sweden * Belgium Faroe Island Jordan Nigeria Switzerland Bermuda Finland Kenya Norway Taiwan Bolivia France * Kuwait Pakistan * Thailand * Botswana French Guiana Laos * Panama Turkey * Brazil Georgia Latvia Paraguay United Kingdom Brunei Darussalam * Germany Lebanon Peru * Uruguay Bulgaria Gibraltar Lithuania Poland USA * Cambodia * Greece Luxembourg Portugal Uzbekistan Canada * Guadeloupe Macau * Reunion Island Venezuela Cayman Island Guam * Malawi Romania * Vietnam * Chile Hong Kong * Malta Russia Zambia Flat rate of 10 sen/min applies to fixed line calls. Also extended to mobile calls to selected countries marked with asterisk (*). IDD Premium is the default IDD package that accompanies the subscription. You may choose to upgrade to IDD Pro for free.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 08:10:01 +0000

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