Our July newsletter-- Dear brothers and sisters in Christ - TopicsExpress


Our July newsletter-- Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, In this letter we would like to share with you how the Lord allows us to experience His divine revelation expressed in Ephesians 2:8-10: 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (NASB) It is very humbling and relaxing to remember that no matter how great or little our work might be, it has nothing to do with our salvation because it is not by our performance we have eternal life, but by the gracious work of Jesus Christ on the cross and his victorious resurrection from death. Only because we are born again in the Spirit of Christ, we become His masterpiece. He equips us for good works God prepared beforehand so that we can walk in them. Praise the Lord that all we do is not our work, but His work. We would like to testify about the Lord’s work in Haiti through all of us, prayer partners, financial supporters, founders, workers of Water for Life in Haiti and in the US. In 1983 after many previous visits in Haiti, the Lord Jesus had called Willis Miller to start Water for Life in Haiti in order to use the need for clean water to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in Haiti. The Lord brought Willis to the village of Passe Bois d’Orme, a dry land of thorns and thistles with no water and food resources. People were living there under poverty condition with no hope for a better life. But God, always in His perfect timing, started Water for Life at the right time and at the right place, and since then it was the beginning of a love adventure of changing life. As a matter of fact, today Passe Bois d’Orme has several evangelical churches and schools, and has became a major producer of plantains in Haiti with approximately 600 acres of irrigated land, and clean water for all. Because of 5 irrigations pumps with an average of 750 gallons per minute, people can farm their lands with little risk, and even create jobs. If you have been to Pasbwadòm recently, you can see fewer and fewer mal-nourished children. In other words, the Lord has used WFL to bring hope to the people of PBO. Today they can work with dignity, make a decent income for their families, send their children to school, improve their spiritual and physical health, and keep working toward a better future. All of this is by the grace of God, and His work through His servants. At Water for Life we praise the Lord for making us part of this. Thank you Jesus! The school “Secours Divin” founded by WFL in 1991 counts every year around 400+ children from Pre-K to 9th grade; it provides a good quality of spiritual and academic education and a hot meal every school day to the students and staff. A 10th grade class will be added this coming school year. Thank you Jesus! After many years working in the area of Passe Bois d’Orme, the Lord kept opening doors for us to extend our territory and diversify our activities. After the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the love adventure of changing life reached various other communities. In partnership with Food for the Poor and Souderton Mennonite Church, we rebuilt 56 houses in the city of Cotes de Fer. Fifty-six families were removed from under the heat of a tent to enter a sweet home. The village of Olivier (not far from Ti Goâve) had 15 wells drilled some time ago for drinking water, and 1 irrigation well pumping 600 gallons per minute. The farmers of this village confessed the goodness of the Lord because they can water 120 acres, and they see a significant increase of their income. They don’t need to wait any longer for the rainy season to plant their corn. Today they plant all year round, and they produce tomatoes, vegetables, plantains, peppers, watermelons, etc. Even after two years of severe drought in Haiti, the farmers of Olivier have been blessed by great harvests and see a bright future ahead. We are still counting on your prayers and your partnership to add more irrigation pumps in this village. From 2010 up to 2013, the Lord extended greatly our areas of activity. Three hundred sixty-one wells have been drilled in so many new villages, providing clean water to one hundred twenty thousand people. For half of this current year 2014, 100 new wells have already been drilled, and we hope to reach 150 before September 30th as we now have two rigs running. It is exciting to see how the Lord is moving, and we are blessed and honored to be part of it. Another love adventure we would like to talk about is the building of our new compound in Cayes. We have witnessed great miracles of the faithfulness of the Lord. It is unbelievable to see how the Lord provides human resources, materials, funds and so on to make this project a reality. We hope by the grace of God, the compound will be fully operational soon. Praise the Lord that most of our staff will be together, and we will have more opportunities to fellowship and share the Word of God with one another. That new compound will facilitate our being able to reach new areas where there are still more needs for clean water. If you know Haiti well enough, we will reach not only Cayes and surrounding areas, but also many other cities and villages up to the area of Jérémie. God willing, hundreds of thousands of people will have clean water because of this compound. There are ahead great challenges. But our Lord is the God of miracles, the Creator of the visible and invisible universe, the God who created all out of nothing, the God who is never tired or retired. It is exciting to walk with Him and be part of His work. As for now, the Lord has used WFL to drill already over 1100 wells in Haiti providing water to four hundred thousand people in Haiti (4 % of the Haitian population). Ten percent of the people having access to clean water in Haiti get it through WFL. Praise the Lord! Drilling in very remote areas in Haiti, the Lord opened our eyes and hearts in 2013 to see other needs in various communities without any health care facility. Where the Lord guides, He always provides. A team of Haitian doctors and nurses volunteer their time to go assist people in their remote villages. We provide free dental care, eye care, pediatrics, general practice, obstetrics and gynecology, and distribution of medicines at a very minimal charge (about US $1.20). Thousands of people have already received care in this mobile clinic program. We praise the Lord for this program as it is a great opportunity to minister to the people and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We count on your prayers and support, and may the Lord use all of us to supply the resources for this program. As we are moving a part of our team to Cayes, one frequently asked question is if WFL is going to move out of Pasbwadòm. The answer is NO. Although our base of operations is changing, our program at PBO will be running as usual. The school, the irrigation program, and the pump repair team will continue at PBO. Praise the Lord for all the faithful servants, Haitians and Americans, the Lord has called to serve through Water for Life. We praise the Lord for all of you, supporters in prayer, in finance, workers, visitors, builders, donors, board members. May the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be exalted! Remember always it’s not by our work and our performance. It is all by grace, and grace alone, through faith in Jesus Christ, in His death, His resurrection, and His near return. In the love of Jesus, Edy Géhy and Dr. Winnie Guerre Viard
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:53:20 +0000

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