Our Lady of Fair Skies, Pray for us! Pray for good weather for - TopicsExpress


Our Lady of Fair Skies, Pray for us! Pray for good weather for the Popes visit to the Philippines! (Filipino children pray during a March of Saints. Credit: Prayer Warriors of the Holy Souls.) Manila, Philippines, Jan 14, 2015 / 05:18 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- With Pope Francis arriving in the Philippines on Thursday, the Archbishop of Manila is asking that the faithful pray for favorable weather, as a tropical storm is heading for Tacloban, where the Pope will visit on Saturday. Tropical Storm Amang is expected to have maximum sustained winds of 40 mph, and gusts up to 80 mph. “Our beloved Pope Francis will be with us soon,” Cardinal Luis Tagle of Manila said Jan. 14. “On Saturday he will be in Tacloban, Leyte on a very special mission of mercy and compassion. Unfortunately during the past days heavy rains have poured over the island because of a low pressure area in the seas near it.” “Let us turn to prayer for good weather for the visit of the Holy Father. Let us implore the God of creation to clear the skies when Pope Francis arrives and stays in Tacloban so that all who are there will experience comfort as they welcome and listen to his message.” Pope Francis will visit Tacloban, one of the areas hardest-hit by 2013s Typhoon Yolanda, on Saturday, saying Mass and then lunching with survivors of the typhoon. He will also bless a local center for the poor, and address priests, religious, seminarians, and families of typhoon survivors. Cardinal Tagle offered this prayer to ask for favorable weather during Pope Francis visit: Almighty Father, we raise our hearts to you in gratitude for the wonders of creation, for your providence in sustaining us in our needs, and for your wisdom that guides the course of the universe. God our Father, we pray to you for good weather and clear skies when our beloved Pope Francis lands on our shores. We pray especially that when he encounters the people of Tacloban it will be under fair and comfortable situations, so that all may experience fully the warmth of his presence. We know that nothing is impossible to you and we ask this of you with humble and contrite hearts, but confident always of your solicitude and providence. We ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 02:56:00 +0000

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