Our Lady of Fatima warning Russia will spread its errors Soviet - TopicsExpress


Our Lady of Fatima warning Russia will spread its errors Soviet Russia. In the Large Soviet Encyclopedia, second edition, volume 5, (published 1950), the Word God is defined as A mythical invented being. Today many Catholics accept communist ideals and dont even recognise it. They no longer think on hell, purgatory, the need to do penance or the need to keep and hold the Catholic faith. For almost 2000 years the Church taught, that outside the Church there is no salvation. As the Communists gradually infiltrated, and impressed a condemned modernist thinking into the minds of men of the Church, the truths taught by the Church were swept under the carpet and a laxity grew. These Catholics who cant be bothered to keep the faith will go to hell, and this was the reason hell was shown at Fatima. Pope Pius said; We must remain 100% Catholic Sister Lucia told Father Joaquin Alonso, that Our Lady, in the requested Consecration of Russia, said that Russia must convert to the One , holy , Catholic and Apostolic Church. Ecumenism as taught today stands condemned by Christ His Apostles and every Successor of Saint Peter up until the time of the deadline of Fatima, which was 1960, the date in which the Third Secret was to be revealed.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 13:58:37 +0000

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