Our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth for one reason, to save souls - TopicsExpress


Our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth for one reason, to save souls from Hell. Teaching the reality of Hell is the most important and unavoidable duty of the Holy Catholic Church. One of the greatest Fathers of the Church, Saint John Chrysostom, continually taught that Our Lord Jesus Christ preached more often on Hell than on Heaven. Some people say it is better to preach on Heaven. I disagree. Preaching on Hell produces many more true and strong conversions than only preaching on Heaven. Saint Benedict, the founder of the Benedictines, while he was in Rome, was told by the Holy Ghost: Youre going to lose your soul in Rome and go to Hell. He left Rome and he went into the silence and solitude outside the city to meditate on the life of Jesus and the Holy Gospels. Saint Benedict ran away from those numerous occasions of sin of pagan Rome. He prayed. He made sacrifices for himself and sinners. The Holy Ghost spread the word of his holiness. As a result, people came to see, hear and follow Saint Benedicts example and advice. He separated himself from occasions of sin and became holy. Holiness attracts souls. Why do you think Saint Augustine changed his life? Because of the fear of Hell. I preach often on the tragic reality of Hell. It is a Catholic Dogma priests and bishops dont preach anymore. Pope Pius IX, who pronounced the two dogmas of the Infallibility of the Pope and the Immaculate Conception and who also issued his famous Syllabus condemning the errors and heresies of the modern world, used to ask preachers to preach more often on the Four Last Things , especially on Hell, as he himself did preach. He asked this because the thought of Hell makes saints. The Saints Feared Hell Here is something very curious, saints are afraid to go to Hell but sinners are not afraid. Saint Francis de Sales, Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Saint Curé of Ars, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Theresa of the Infant Jesus, were all afraid to go to Hell. Saint Simon Stock, the Superior General of the Carmel, knew that his monks were afraid to go to Hell. His monks were fasting and saying prayers. They were living in seclusion, cut off from the dangerous world dominated by Satan. Still they were afraid of going to Hell. In 1251, Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared in Aylesford, England, to Saint Simon Stock. She said, Do not be afraid anymore, I am giving you a special vestment; all those who will die wearing this vestment will not go to Hell. I wear my Brown Scapular under my vestments and I have another one in my pocket because I never know when people will ask me to preach on Hell or the Brown Scapular. Mary said to the Dominican priest, Blessed Alain de la Roche, I will come and save the world through My Rosary and My Scapular. One cannot specialize himself in everything and preach on everything; one must make a choice. I believe that it is the will of Our Lord Jesus that I preach on Hell. A Monsignor, my superior at that time, once told me: you preach too often on Hell and you scare people. He added: Marcel, I have never preached on Hell, people dont like it. You scare them. In a very friendly way, the Monsignor told me in his own office: Marcel, I have never preached on Hell and I never will preach on Hell, and look at the nice and prestigious position I hold. I kept a long silence, then I looked him in the eyes. Monsignor, I said, you are on the road to Hell for all eternity. Monsignor, you preach to please men, instead of preaching to please Christ and save souls from Hell. Monsignor, it is a mortal sin of omission to refuse to preach the Catholic Dogma of Hell. When God sent prophets in the Old Testament it was to remind men to come back to the truth, to come back to holiness. Jesus came, preached, and sent His Apostles into the world to preach the Holy Gospels. The Serpent came and spread his poison through heresies, so the Lord Jesus decided to send His Beloved Mother, the Queen of Prophets: Go to earth and destroy heresies. The Fathers of the Church have written that the Mother of God is the hammer of heresies. If you take the time to study with great attention the Message of Our Lady of Fatima, you will notice it is a most tragic and profound message repeating the teaching of the Holy Gospels. The summary of the Message of Fatima is: Hell exists. Hell is eternal and we will all go to Hell if we die in the state of mortal sin. What is the use to gain the whole world if you lose your soul? Our Lady has told us that we can be saved through Her two divine Sacramentals of predestination, the Holy Rosary and the Brown Scapular. There is also special emphasis on Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Devotion of the Five First Saturdays. At the first apparition of the Angel of Portugal at the Cabeço, in May 1916, the Angel came to the three children and he showed them how to adore God with two different prayers. O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee. The Angel prayed this while prostrating himself on the ground. The Angel has shown the three children that in the order of prayers, first things first. One must first adore God and then pray to the saints. God first, creatures second. The Angel at Fatima has shown men that we must adore and pray to God on our knees. The more a man knows God, the more he humbles himself in front of God, his Creator. The great French Bishop Bossuet said: Man is really great when he is on his knees. Yes, man is truly great when he is on his knees in front of his Creator and Redeemer, Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. The Angel at Fatima came to teach the three children that our first duty, according to the First Commandment, is to adore God. At his third apparition at the Cabeço, the Angel of Portugal came with the Chalice in his left hand and the Host in his right hand. The children wondered what was going on. The Angel miraculously left the Chalice and the Holy Host suspended in the air. The Angel prostrated himself on the ground and recited a profound Trinitarian prayer of adoration. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly and I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrilege and indifferences by which He is offended, and by the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. God wants us to adore Him on our knees. Do all of us kneel in prayer and adoration of Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist? We should. When the three wise men came to Bethlehem and entered the stable, they prostrated themselves in front of baby Jesus to adore Him on their knees. We have the example from Scripture and from the Angel at Fatima that God wants us to adore Him on our knees. The Reinforcement of Catholic Dogma One year later, on May 13, 1917, the children saw a young woman appear to them. It was Our Ladys first apparition. Lucy asked, Where do You come from? She replied, I am of Heaven. The Catholic dogma of Heaven. The children asked, Will we go to Heaven? She replied Yes, you will. They then asked, And Maria das Neves, is she in Heaven? Mary replied, Yes. And Amelia? She will be in Purgatory until the end of the world. This girl was around 18 years old. A second dogma, Purgatory exists and will end at the end of this world. The Mother of God cannot lie. The Angel at Fatima taught the three children how to adore God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. This is a reinforcement of the dogma of the Most Holy Trinity, the greatest of them all without which Christianity cannot stand. We must adore the three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. A Vision of Hell On Friday, July 13, 1917, Our Lady appeared at Fatima and talked to the three seers. Our Lady never smiled. How could She smile, for it was on this day that She was to show the children the vision of Hell? She said Pray, pray very much because many souls go to Hell. Our Lady laid down Her hands and suddenly the three children saw a hole in the ground. That hole, said Lucy, was like a sea of fire in which we saw the souls in human forms, men and women, burning, shouting, and crying in despair. Lucy said the demons looked like ugly and unknown animals. The children were so terrified that Lucy screamed. She was so afraid that she thought she would die. Mary said to the children, You have seen Hell where sinners go when they dont repent. Another Roman Catholic dogma, Hell. Our Lady said Each time you say the Rosary, My children, say after each decade, O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need. Mary came to Fatima as a Prophet of the Most High to save souls from Hell. The patron of all pastors, Saint Jean Marie Vianney used to preach that the greatest act of charity towards your neighbors is to save their souls from Hell. The second act of charity, according to Saint Jean Vianney, is to deliver souls from Purgatory. One day in his little church, (where, to this day, his body lies incorrupt) a man possessed by a demon approached Saint Jean Vianney and said: I hate you, I hate you because you stole from my hand 85,000 souls. Your Eminence, Excellencies, priests, when we will come to be judged by Jesus, Jesus will ask us one question. I made you a priest, a bishop, a cardinal, a pope, how many souls have you saved from Hell? Saint Francis de Sales, according to statistics, converted and probably saved more than 72,000 heretics. How many souls have you saved? When you read the Fathers of the Church, the Doctors of the Church and the saints, you are struck by one thing; they all preached the holy Gospel of Jesus and the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell. They all preached the Catholic dogma of Hell because when we meditate on the abode of the damned, we dont want to go to Hell. As a result, we avoid the occasions of sin and take all the means necessary to become saints and therefore avoid Hell and attain Heaven. I dont want to criticize bishops, but I must confess this truth. I have thirty years of priesthood. It is sad to say that I have never seen nor heard a bishop, even my bishop, preach the Roman Catholic dogma of Hell. I suppose in your countries and elsewhere they do, but in America, Hell is not preached. One day in a cathedral I said to a bishop, Your Excellency, you make a nice meditation of the Holy Rosary every night for the radio. This is beautiful. But I must ask, why dont you have your meditation a little shorter and insert after each decade: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fire of Hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need. Why do you refuse to say that little prayer after each decade, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima on July 13, 1917, after She had shown Hell to the three seers? The bishop said to me: Well, people dont like us to preach on Hell, the word Hell makes them scared. We are not there to preach to please the crowd but to save souls from Hell, to prevent them from going to Hell for all eternity. This may not hold true for all bishops, but I have often heard bishops recite the Rosary and omit that merciful prayer to save souls from Hell. I believe that little prayer of Our Lady of Fatima, given to the children on July 13, 1917, is more powerful and more pleasing to God than any kind of meditation, even given by a holy bishop. You have received your own missions from God, and I believe that Jesus and Our Lady want me to preach on Hell as my mission. So I preach often on Hell. There are many revelations that we can read in the life of privileged souls. Some souls in Hell have been ordered by God to speak in order to help us in our faith. Those souls in Hell said: We could accept to be in Hell a thousand years. We could accept to be in Hell a million years, if we knew that one day, we would leave Hell. My friends, we must meditate, not only on the fire of Hell, not only on the privation of seeing God, but we must also meditate on the eternity of Hell. Meditate seriously in front of the tabernacle on the Roman Catholic dogma of Hell. Dear bishops, you must preach the whole Gospel of Jesus, including the tragic reality of eternal Hell. Heretical Concept of Gods Mercy I heard a priest at a charismatic conference tell a crowd of about three thousand people and one hundred priests that God is love, God is mercy and you will see His infinite Mercy at the end of the world, when Jesus will deliver all souls from Hell, even demons. That priest continues to preach and his bishop doesnt take away his faculties for preaching heresies. Go into the eternal fire, said Jesus. Eternal fire, not temporal fire. With our limited human intelligence we make a little philosophical proposition, God is love, God is Our Father. How can a father, for Heavens sake, take little Peter and throw him into a burning furnace? It is impossible. It is an insult to God, Who is love. How many times have you heard that? The truth, however, is that Hell exists. Hell is eternal. And we will all go to Hell if we die in the state of Mortal Sin. I can go to Hell. You can go to Hell. If any of us die in sin, we will be in Hell for all eternity, burning, weeping, crying in despair. Not for a million years, but for billions and billions and billions of years and beyond, for all eternity. In our lifetime, who has never made one mortal sin? Only one mortal sin not repented before you die is enough for Jesus to throw you into Hell. One of the greatest Fathers of the Church, Patron of all Catholic Preachers, Saint John Chrysostom said: Few bishops are saved and many priests are damned . In gratitude to the Most Holy Trinity, to Our Blessed Mother, I go to confession every week, I recite my fifteen decade Rosary every day as well as my whole breviary, I wear my Holy Crucifix, the Brown Scapular, and my heavenly Miraculous Medal. I preach the Rosary and the Brown Scapular. I preach to every one who wants to hear eternal truths, The Four Last Things. When we were coming from Lisbon to Fatima by bus, I preached on the bus to the lay people, priests and bishops present. I implored them, Please, when you come to Fatima, why not make an excellent Holy General Confession? Maybe ten years ago, maybe fifteen years ago, you didnt have the courage to confess that sin because you were ashamed. Please, make a holy and complete confession in Fatima before you leave. There are many priests in Fatima that you will never see until you reach Heaven. I preach to bishops like I preach to everyone because bishops also have a soul to save. And if bishops are truly humble they will also accept the truth, even from an ordinary simple priest. Let us not leave Fatima without making a Holy General Confession. Your Excellencies, Jesus made us priests. The Lord Jesus has chosen us from among millions of men to make us priests. We have been made priests to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to the Almighty Father, to pray the breviary every day, and to preach the Gospel of Jesus to save souls from Hell. Nobody is sure to go to Heaven unless they have received a private revelation from God like the Good Thief on the cross or the three seers of Fatima. Why not take all the insurances that Heaven has given us, the Rosary (devotion to My Rosary is a sure sign of predestination), the Brown Scapular and the wonderful sacrament of penance. Preach, my dear bishops, like the Fathers of the Church. The first duty of a bishop is to preach, not to administer a diocese. The Church needs to see and hear bishops preaching like the Fathers of the Church. If only one bishop among you would have come to Fatima then return to his diocese and on certain occasions preach The Four Last Things with the full Message of Fatima, what a great act of Charity it would be. With the help of the Holy Ghost, say to your faithful: Listen, my brothers in Christ, I am your bishop, I am here to save your souls from Hell. Please listen, accept and meditate on my teaching today. You, too, my dear priests in my diocese, imitate your bishop, preach on Hell with the authority that Jesus has given you. Preach at least one entire sermon on Hell once a year. You would be doing the greatest act of charity of your priesthood, of your episcopate. As I mentioned earlier, in my thirty years as a priest, I have never heard a bishop preach on Hell. When I want a sermon on Hell, I have to read Saint John Chrysostom, the Fathers of the Church, the Doctors of the Church and canonized preachers. Dear bishops please, preach on Hell like Jesus, Our Lady of Fatima, the Fathers of the Church and the Doctors of the Church and you will save many souls. Who saves one soul, saves his own soul. Preaching on Hell is a great act of charity because those that hear you will believe. They will change their lives and make holy confessions. People sometimes ask me: Why is it, Father, that the Brown Scapular isnt preached anymore? In the past, we received the Brown Scapular at First Communion, but today there are no more blessings and imposition of the Brown Scapular. Is the Brown Scapular true today as in the past? Yes, the Brown Scapular is honored to this day: this truth has not changed. On Saturday, October 13, 1917, during the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Mary was holding the Brown Scapular. Sister Lucy said: The Rosary and the Brown Scapular are inseparable. Why is it then priests never preach on the Brown Scapular? How can priests preach on the Brown Scapular if they deliberately refuse to preach on Hell? If you never preach on Hell, people wont believe in Hell. What is the use of wearing the Brown Scapular? Jesus said: If you have faith, you will move mountains. If you have faith, you will convert souls with the grace of God. If you preach on Hell with faith, people will believe in Hell. Saint Paul said to his disciples: Preach with conviction. To talk or read a homily in a church is not preaching. Preaching is intended to move the will; preaching is intended to move men, to change their lives, to save their souls from Hell. There are four major reasons why 75,000 priests have left the priesthood: 1) because they have neglected to pray every day. 2) because they did not avoid the occasions of sin and have forgotten that prudence is the science of saints. 3) because they did not have the humility and courage to make holy and complete confessions. Jesus said: Without Me you can do nothing. 4) because they lived in mortal sin and continued to celebrate thus. If a priest is in the state of mortal sin and celebrates Mass, it is a sacrilegious Mass for him. When he receives Communion, it is another sacrilegious communion for him. How can a priest in the state of mortal sin preach under the inspiration and the strength of the Holy Ghost? How can he preach if hes filled with demons? Priests, go and make holy confessions and you will become excellent preachers. The Holy Ghost will speak in you and through you and you will save thousands of souls from Hell. One day, the Curé of Ars received a visit from a young priest from a nearby parish. That young priest was a little curious to meet the Curé of Ars. After lunch the Curé of Ars said: Will you, please, hear my confession? The young priest nearly fell off his chair when asked to hear the confession of the already very holy priest, Saint Jean Vianney. Saints go to Confession! And those that go to Confession become Saints. I thank you very much for coming to encourage Father Gruner in making the full Message of Fatima known to the entire world. Father Gruner is a friend of mine and I think he is the man that I love the most on earth. Not as much for his person but because of what he is doing for Our Lady of Fatima: To preach the Message of Fatima and to save many souls from Hell. Dear friends in Jesus and Mary, let us all be true apostles of Our Lady of Fatima. Before you leave Fatima, I would also like to give you the Brown Scapular. I repeat that Our Lady of Mount Carmel told Saint Simon Stock Whoever dies wearing the Brown Scapular shall not see the fire of Hell. Read books on Fatima, especially: The Memoirs of Sister Lucy and World Enslavement or Peace: Its up to the Pope by Father Nicholas Gruner . By the Grace of God, you too will have the courage to preach Fatimas full Message. Finally, Our Lady of Fatima said: Pray, pray very much and make many sacrifices for many souls go into Hell because there is no one to pray and make sacrifices. Let us pray often and every day: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fire of Hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 13:03:49 +0000

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