Our Parsha this Shabbos is Parshat Terumah where HaShem instructs - TopicsExpress


Our Parsha this Shabbos is Parshat Terumah where HaShem instructs all of us Jews to give a portion for the building of the Tabernacle.Every member of our community was to have a spiritual part in making a place where HaShems Shechinah can dwell among us.HaShem wanted to always dwell with us since Creation and be at one with us since the beginning.It is us that do not make HaShem welcome by not doing what HaShem wants us to do. Each of us has a responsibility to carry our fellow Jew and try make them understand the importance of following the Torah of HaShem.Each of us must play a role in building a place for HaShem in this world.It is up to us to purify and bless all we do and everywhere we go so that space is filled with Kedushah.The world needs to become the home where we make HaSham welcome.HaShem turns away from aveirah and so it is in each of our hands to see that this does not happen.Thus we must offer ourselves as a Terumah, a Portion to come together as one for HaShem. And here is another point.In this Parsha near the beginning of the Parsha, when HaShem instructs that the Tabernacle be built, HaShem says , VeAsu Li Mikdash Ve Shachanti Betocham, - Make for Me (HaShem) a Sanctuary that I (HaShem) may dwell among them.What is HaShem also saying to us?Is HaShem only referring to a physical Sanctuary?No,HaShem is also saying,make within our very selves , within each one of us, a Mikdash a Place of Holiness a Sanctuary within our bodies and souls making ourselves holy,so that HaShem can dwell within us . We are to make ourselves holy pure modest and faithfully obedient so that we can all become a Sanctuary - a safe place where HaShem can be comfortably within each one of us.It is each one of our own personal duties , to correct ourselves and better ourselves so that we become pure and holy.Then we will show HaShem that HaShem is truly welcome.Our Torah was not given as a means to order us around.our Torah leads us to holiness.Our Torah purifies us from within as cleanses us of impurities so that we ourselves can become that Sanctuary that HaShem wants us to become.Once purified, HaShem then will live Betocham within the midst of all of us as HaShem wanted to do till we left Gan Eiden. HaShem is here and has always been here and will always be here.HaShem is all around us but we can feel the distance spiritually and if we look around we can see how much still needs to be done.How much still needs our intervention especially concerning ourselves.Yes,not only others are in need of correcting ,also ourselves.So,in cleaning up the world,let us start with Li - Within me - within ourselves. Let us give some serious thought to ourselves and take a real close look at ourselves and work on ourselves to fix what needs fixing.We all need work.Deep down we know some of our own bad points.Give some time to thinking carefully of our other bad points and let us truly start working on them.This way,HaShem can feel more welcome to dwell among us, - Betocham . No Jew is complete without other Jews and so,each of us must give our portion our Terumah, to contribute to making HaShem welcome. If we make ourselves into a Sanctuary then we carry HaShems Shechinah within us wherever we go and so,we purify the world around us.All around us will be affected and this sweet Holiness will grow.the whole world will be a place that is filled with HaShems Shechinah and presence.The word Shachan, as I said means to dwell, but not just to dwell.It also means , To Settle.In other words,HaShem will let His presence find permanent living within us.All we need to do is use the free choice HaShem gives us to choose HaShem and His Torah Laws.So let us all make within ourselves a Sanctuary for HaShem. So,let us choose wisely and make ourselves as a Terumah a Portion to HaShem so that HaShem can forever dwell within us - such a beauty we cannot even imagine contemplating.There would be no words to describe the beauty of HaShem within us.With deep love,I wish HaShem a beautiful Shabbos Kodesh and Chodesh Tov and to all with love,a beautiful Shabbos Kodesh and Chodesh Tov.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:46:28 +0000

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