Our Return to Covenant Nov 11 - Bob Long We do hereby - TopicsExpress


Our Return to Covenant Nov 11 - Bob Long We do hereby Dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant…” (Prayer of Rev. Robert Hunt upon landing with the settlers at Jamestown in 1607 ) Most scholars agree the above words were the first Protestant prayer on the soil of America, as well as the first time that an intentional corporate prayer of covenant was given to God. It was heartfelt, considered and spiritually official. The embryonic nation was now in real covenant with God. The wooden cross planted in the sand beside their kneeling prayer witnessed their dedication of a land to God and the covenant oath with which they did it. This foundational prophetic prayer is actually not well known, but its significance cannot be overestimated. God has not forgotten this original covenant America entered into with Him! Is He heartbroken and angry with America? Yes. Is it too late for America to be saved? No. Can there be an awakening in the hearts of the American people and a return to our original covenant with God? I am convinced the answer is yes. A few weeks ago, I was in the annual leadership conference of The Federation Of Ministers & Churches International, the apostolic network led by apostle Jim Hodges, where I have served as an apostolic elder for many years along with Dutch Sheets, Barbara Wentroble and other respected leaders. I share this in order to define and describe the context of what I want to share next. One night, after Dutch spoke, there was a strong prophetic flow and release of intercession for our nation and for the American Church. The word of the Lord came to me clearly and some of the key points were: I have not turned away from the Covenant that this nation made with me, but this nation has turned away from it. The cry of a remnant and a generation has been heard, and I am raising up a new wave of prophets to call this nation back to America’s original covenant. You will see an increase in the number of trustworthy prophets arising in the land. You will see the level of the prophetic word coming forth go to a higher level, and a nation will hear the word of the Lord calling it back! The call for this nation to return to covenant will be hear. I am also going to bring forth new wave of evangelists in America. They will flow in apostolic understanding and an anointing for signs and wonders. There will be an increase in the number of true evangelists in this nation, and there will be a company, even a wave of them going after the hearts of a people. The call to redemption through my Son will be heard by many for the first time. I am shaking all things. I am releasing more of those who will reinforce a remnant. I am releasing more of those who will increase the volume of My call to a nation to return to Covenant. I am releasing more of those who will reveal My Son to the multitudes that hearts may turn to Me. A remnant shall be strengthened, and a nation shall be shaken that it may be awakened! In the days after releasing that word, I began to pray over it and asking God for more clarity and strategy. The Lord led me to Robert Hunt’s prayer of Covenant in 1607 at the Jamestown settlement. I have studied the events and history of all the settlers many times, but somehow I had missed the specific reality that they solemnly entered into covenant with God about this nation!! Let us personally take the covenant and go before the Lord! Let us collectively take this original covenant and the prophetic word of the Lord and pray! God is sending reinforcements so that, together, we His people might awaken a nation! We say yes, Lord! Pray 1. Pray for a supernatural new wave of more true apostles, prophets and evangelists to come forth in America. We invite missionaries that God would send to America from the nations of the world! 2. Pray that the prayer movement in America will shake off any weariness . 3. Pray that all hope deferred and hopelessness is broken off of the people of God. 4. Pray that God will soften and prepare the hearts of the American people individually to recognize and respond to a new move of God.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 01:10:08 +0000

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