Our Society Show, would like to thank all who made comments on - TopicsExpress


Our Society Show, would like to thank all who made comments on yesterdays questions. On today segment of A Broken System the question to ask you today is what affect does our broken system have on our spirts as an American? Does the medias retraction fix the damage? Detective Christoper Derry of the Temple City Sheriffs Department knew that no individuals had been charged with a crime involving the 2007 Countrywide mortgage fraud scandal that caused this county billions of dollars. Since taking over the fraud department in 2013, Derry has had 4 high profile cases and none bigger then Countrywide. After meeting with Derry in September 2013, I advised him that faxing documents to open escrow, allowing clients to use my fax machine and issuing small loans to clients were all legal and were common activities in a real estate business in 2007 and was not the type of evidence to prosecute a person for a crime. If he acted upon such information, oviously there was more behind wanting to arrest a person. The arrest was centered behind breaking the spirt by showing that he had the power to arrest me, punish me and teach me a lesson. As to the articles by the Pasadena Star-news on September 11, 2014 and Pasadena Weekly on September 18, 2014, both publications continued to twist facts and make lies to sell papers. As to Pasadena Star-news, clearly the reporter lied when she made the following quote: “You don’t go after me and you don’t include me when you’re not including everybody involved unless you are using your authority to gain stripes to make yourself look like a big man or you’re just a plain racist and you don’t like black people,” Shay said in an interview after the dismissal. I would never call an officer a racist, his action speaks for itself? As to Pasadena Weekly, Charges Dropped-Judge says there is not enough evidence to try Northwest Commissioner Allen Shay, the reporter was made aware that detective Derry testified that he did not have any evidence of a crime, that he arrested me because he did not believe me and that I did not provide him with the type of information that would throw Turner under the bus! That the retractions did not tell the true story and fix the damage. Please make your comments on how to fix this broken system.youtu.be/t1pqi8vjTLY
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 19:21:58 +0000

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