Our Standards Sometime clients ask about our standards, which I - TopicsExpress


Our Standards Sometime clients ask about our standards, which I always find a great teaching tool. I thought it might be nice for people to know about the standards I have set for Four Winds. I am guided by a strong vision, love for plants, love for my environment and a desire to offer everyone the absolute best. First, we have a goal to offer the best. By the best, I do truly mean the best anywhere on the earth. If a product or company does not meet my personal standards or clinical results, I do not use them. This often creates difficulties for us, like being out of a certain herb or formula. However, anytime I recommend something I can honestly say I feel it is the best herbal product in the world. We use about a thousand herbs here, so it requires great effort to achieve this. I have personally tasted, tested and tried every single product that comes out of this clinic. Often times if a batch of herb or company is out of a certain herb, I will not use an inferior product or a product that is just okay. Having trained old schools style, I have personally tasted and tried every single herb or supplement I recommend. I am not aware of any other clinic or especially any store that does this. Two, we are one of the few clinics to move to completely sustainable herbal products. It will take some time and we will need to find more farmers, but we are in the process. I have set a goal to have 90% of every single product we use made from local herbs. This is a major undertaking. It has taken great efforts to start this process. I have a goal of even our Chinese formulas to be made with mostly locally grown herbs. Growers out there, get ready! Three, we are one of the only two clinics in the US to go through the FDA GMP process and implement it. It has been the biggest challenge the last ten years of my life. It does provide us a great credibility, safety, highest standards and confidence in what we make. I can see the FDA will in time require everyone to do this, but we are about 10-15 years ahead of the curve. Considering that most herb companies still dont have a clue about the FDA rules, we are very far ahead of the pack. Why though? For you of course! If people dont have faith in the product, even if it works great, they will not stick with it. It is about faith. Much more more here if time allows.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:01:40 +0000

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