Our Thursday Bible study is studying "Practical Applications of - TopicsExpress


Our Thursday Bible study is studying "Practical Applications of Prayer." We are learning how to "pray the Word." This week the lesson is on Conquering Our Thought-Life. (see the notes below) Colossians 3:5-17 Put OFF the old man and put ON the new man. WE are told to do this! Philippians 2:12, 13 We “work OUT” while God “works IN” 3 John 2 “as your soul prospers” Soul = mind (thoughts), emotions, and will Prospers = euodoo = from the root word ‘eu’ meaning “well and good.” Full definition: “To do well on the way, to succeed in an endeavor; to have a successful (prosperous) journey.” This has NOTHING to do with money. Romans 12:1, 2 We are transformed by renewing our mind. My bringing our thoughts into obedience to our born-again, spirit man. Colossians 3:2 WE do the “setting” of our mind and our thoughts. This is OUR part. Keeping them in line requires God’s help. Philippians 4:6-9 (AMP) HOW to think – WHAT to think on, or about. WE determine to do this, then…the promise Proverbs 16:3 (AMP) Commit = OUR part Establish = GOD’S part 1 Peter 1:13, 14 “Gird up” = WE do this. It’s a military term. “Former lusts” = our former way of thinking. HOW? Joshua 1:7, 8 WE make our way prosperous, and we have good success– when we follow God’s instructions. (1) Be strong and courageous. (2) Observe to DO according to the Word of God. (3) Don’t vary from this commitment, not “to the right hand or to the left” (4) We will prosper wherever we go. (5) Keep the Word in our MOUTHS. (6) Meditate on the Word [LIT: mutter – repeat it, softly to ourselves, over and over.] This keeps the Word in our thoughts and our thoughts on the Word. (7) Observe to DO - thoughts precede words, words precede actions. (8) Then, WE make our way prosperous and WE will have good success. Based on our obedience to these principles. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 The battle is, primarily, in our minds and in our thoughts. Thoughts are the problem - God judges the “thoughts and intents of the heart.” If we THINK lustful thoughts, God sees it as the action that will come. Strongholds = mind-sets. “…every thought…”
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 02:12:32 +0000

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