Our Work with Children: Life in Institutions in Ukraine There - TopicsExpress


Our Work with Children: Life in Institutions in Ukraine There are 64 children living in this particular institution (location redacted for privacy sake), which is relatively not a big number, and only 5 of them go home every day after classes. All the others stay overnight and visit their homes quite seldom (a lucky few might visit their families on the weekend, but the majority go home only for summer holidays). This is an auxiliary boarding school for children with mild mental retardation and those having learning difficulties. Almost all of them have something in common not related to their academic inability – they all come from horribly dysfunctional families and have difficult backgrounds. As the school Principal Lyudmyla L. says, “Every child has a story.” “The children who live in our boarding home come from families where the parents are regarded to be on the social bottom, and we as an institution, serve as a buffer between these children and society so that they would not follow the criminal path. There is a tendency in ordinary schools to give up on such children, but here we provide special care as well as special curriculum for our pupils. I would say saving the lives and health of these children is our main task. Very rarely do we have someone who comes from a normal family and is just a slow-learner. These children are disadvantaged, half-orphans, etc. Our boarding home also implements a programme of social adaptation for Roma children, and so the significant part of our students are from Gypsy families,” Lyudmyla shares. Indeed, all the children here need a special curriculum, which is adapted to their needs and is easier in comparison to regular academic programs. Instead of algebra and geometry, children learn math, instead of zoology and biology they have nature-study, no foreign languages and so on. They also have special corrective courses, such as speech therapy, rhythmics, therapeutic physical training and classes for social and domestic orientation. The older children also have extra hours for vocational education classes. There is a sewing workshop for girls and the boys are taught joinery. After graduation they get certificates (for seamstress and carpenter specialization), and it is easier for them to pursue studies in this direction in the vocational schools, if they wish. This particular school’s management says they try to do their best to provide their children with comfortable living and learning conditions. “All our children are very different, but everyone longs for love and care. They feel it so deeply when you treat them with love and kindness, and this is what influences them most of all. Unfortunately, they do not get this in their families, and we try to make it up for them at least to the extent of our capabilities, though of course, nobody can replace parental love. I would not say that the educational needs of our children are bigger than their social or material needs. Their family living conditions are very poor; they do not get regular meals and proper care, and that is why the boarding home seems to be a better way for them in most aspects. Of course, I’m not saying we do not have any problems, and that life is a paradise for the kids here. Nothing can substitute a real family for the child. The state does not provide institutionalized children with everything they need (and I mean only their basic needs now); our budget is inadequate and we just have to look all the time for some people who can help us. We simply are not able to survive without sponsorship funds and we depend on them greatly. That is why your support is so very important, and we are very grateful to you, because MWB helps us a lot in different ways. The state provides clothing and footwear only partially, and this is our most urgent need at the moment, especially winter outer garments and winter boots. We also need bed linens and warm blankets. Surely, food and hygienic items is something that we require permanently and therefore thank you so much for your constant support with this. Among our biggest is for a large industrial washing machine (for 25 kg), drying and ironing machine and drying cabinet for footwear. We really appreciate any help from any sponsors, and I must say that the Mission is a leader among our supporters. Thank you so much for everything you do for our children; your work for us and your contribution is just inestimable,” the home’s headmaster, Lyudmyla, says. No institution can ever replace for the child their home and family atmosphere, but for the uncared-for children in Ukraine, this seems to be a way out and a better place to spend their childhood. We greatly thank all the sponsors who donate to the needs of our CRI homes and thus help the administrations and the staffs of the school to meet everyday challenges in providing their children with the proper living conditions. God bless all of you who are that generous and great-hearted to share with those in need.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 00:00:21 +0000

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