Our bees are in danger again! On Tuesday, David Cameron and his - TopicsExpress


Our bees are in danger again! On Tuesday, David Cameron and his cabinet are going to decide whether to allow banned bee killing pesticides to be used on fields across the UK. [1] Unbelievably, a mega pesticide company called Syngenta has just made an emergency appeal after their product was banned across Europe last year due to the risk it poses to our bees. We’ve not got long to act. But if enough of us make a huge fuss right now, we could persuade David Cameron to throw out Syngenta’s request and uphold the ban. Can you sign a petition to David Cameron right now demanding that he protects our bees? https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/a-ban-is-a-ban The powerful pesticides that Europe banned last year are called neonicotinoids - and they pose a huge risk to bees. [2] Even though there is a Europe-wide ban on these pesticides, David Cameron could override it - but only in emergency circumstances. Bees pollinate apples, cucumbers, strawberries, tomatoes, cauliflowers, onions, cabbages, broccoli, carrots and many many more of our fruit and veg. [3] Without bees, we wouldn’t last very long! Now Syngenta are trying to wriggle out of the ban, even though yesterday, scientists from across the world said there’s ‘conclusive’ evidence that Syngenta’s products are killing our bees. [4] And just last week, Barack Obama called for a wholesale review of the pesticides. [5] Matt Shardlow, chief executive of bee-friendly charity Buglife said: “If the government approves Syngenta’s kneejerk and cynical application then the public are bound to question whether ministers are too close to the agrochemical companies and too distant from the ecology that feeds us.”
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 10:41:03 +0000

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