Our beliefs come from decisions we made about surviving. These - TopicsExpress


Our beliefs come from decisions we made about surviving. These decisions come from and generate emotions which are suppressed. Out of the beliefs and suppressed emotions come our thoughts, evaluations, judgements, criticisms, resentments, regrets, and more decisions and beliefs. We take these things as reality, “the way things really are,” as if we found them rather than made them up. Right here, some definite opposition to what I have just said will likely come up. You may be thinking something like: “Wait a minute! This guy is nuts. My thoughts and beliefs and judgements and evaluations come from what I observe around me, what other people say and do, how people and things behave around me. They come from what I’ve been taught and learned and noticed and figured out and….” And on and on. Too bad, but that is backward. Your environment is a reflection of your beliefs. Your beliefs come first, then they are materialized in the illusion-reality. You are the source of your beliefs, your environment is not. The only place you can effectively take responsibility for your reality is in looking at, and taking responsibility for, your beliefs. How do you do that? By doing it. Responsibility is a generating context. There is no technique for it. It is a choice you make. (Bob Larzalere, The Harmony of Love. Context Publications, 1982, 71.) goldenageofgaia/spiritual-essays/the-path-of-awareness/est-dictionary/
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 18:58:46 +0000

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