Our beloved puppet governor Cornel Rasanga Amoth was scheduled to - TopicsExpress


Our beloved puppet governor Cornel Rasanga Amoth was scheduled to give the first ever STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS live from his office earlier this morning.For those who normally have time for him,did he address his people? If he did; 1)Did he explain why he accepted to be used by the then politically extinguished Oburu Oginga to rape our virgin democracy at odd hours of that unforgettable,fateful night of the 19th of January 2013?Did he give any reason as to why he agreed to be used by the Bondo Mafia to betray and completely kill the collective aspirations,dreams and hopes of the Siaya electorate?Did he explain where his conscience,if he ever had any,had disappeared to on that fateful night,that he agreed to be used by some well known tyrants to grab William Oduol Denges hard won ODM certificate even after Otieno Okanja- the man who was next in line after the party owners refused to concede the thrashing of their project,but whose clear conscience could not allow him to take what never belonged to him,rejected the same?Did he? 2)Did he give any reason as why,despite the fact that Siaya County is overflowing with highly qualified,competent,energetic,vibrant,focused and very creative young and youthful professionals,he still finds it fashionable to recycle from decades of retirement old,confused and highly incompetent and ineffective over 70yrs old octogenarians who retired over 20yrs ago,back into the few,limited job opportunities in his Government?Did he? 3) Did he explain where he took the 108million Kshs. that the National Government sent to his Government to be used for hiring of more Health Care Workers for the County,but which later grew feet and disappeared without trace as the Countys Health Care system remains direly understaffed?Did he give any reason as to why he and his boys instead opted to threaten the Countys top few doctors and other health care professionals out of the County merely for asking for a better working environment and for improved working facilities?Did he? 4)Did he explain where the 15million Kshs. budgeted for Sports and other youth activities in all the 30 wards across Siaya County went to?Did he? 5)Did he explain where the 30million Kshs. he used in ferrying our MCAs all the way to Entebbe,Uganda to have some nice time with Ugandan women under the guise of bonding,came from since it was never budgeted for?Other than granting him the ample opportunity to put the MCAs into his pockets,what else of importance to the Siaya electorate did the bonding in Entebbe achieve?Did he explain? 6)Did he explain the source of the 30000 Kshs. he deposited into the A/Cs of each of the MCAs some time back in an attempt to buy off their loyalty? 7)Did he explain why he thinks our MCAs qualify more for the County tenders than anyone else in Siaya? 8)Did he explain why he found it more prudent to waste our millions in putting up temporary wooden offices-millions which will go down the drain once permanent structures are built?Where was the sense?Did he explain? 9)Did he explain what on earth happened to his famous briefcases full of investment contracts from the US?Has he ever opened any of them?What of the hundreds of investors he lured when baba took him to the US?How comes not even a single investor has ever set foot in Siaya 2yrs down the line?Did he explain why? 10)Did he give any reason as to why he imagines our people could be suffering from an Acute onset of Cholera that he should be wasting our money in putting up public latrines everywhere,at exorbitant costs,rather than investing it in more sensible and more profitable projects? I could go on and on,but these are just among the thousands of questions we hope that Rasanga will be able answer before we loose our patience and instal the peoples governor- Governor William Oduol into office even before 2017. Remember I didnt even ask whether he explained what Journalists Javan Onyango and Erick Oloo did to him that he found it necessary to crash their balls and nearly make the two young men impotent,I didnt ask.................. With Sylvestre KOkoth ,Evans Otieno Oloo, Don Owino and Seth Ouma.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:09:55 +0000

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