Our city and state governments are not going to stop these brutal - TopicsExpress


Our city and state governments are not going to stop these brutal lying set a nigger up on false chargies,beat his ass and send him to jail badge carrying cops.As they have reasoned together with police training academies,to teach the officer phrases to shout allowed that automatically gives the courts reasonable assumption the cops are telling the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth without the slightest inkling this cop just may be malisously lying on Black people,with the advance knowledge they are intentionally destroying lives.We have to collectively attack lay hands on these cop each and every time and place we witness these injustices against us by these badge carrying criminal.We have to protect and defend ourselves from these unwarrented attacks and murders on our people.We can not leave it up to the Lawyer to fight our case in courts as it is common even our lawyers will not believe our testimony,the prosecutors will not believe,the jury, which is never of our pears, will not believe us but they all side with the lying cops because he shouted, STOP RESISTING, STOP TRYING TO TAKE MY GUN, I THOUGHT I SAW A WEAPON CODES IMPLYING THEY ARE GOING TO BRUTALIZE,JAIL AND OR MURDER US. COPS USING ANY OF THESE PHRASES WHEN IT IS ON VIDEO PLAIN AS THE NOSE ON OUR FACES THE ACCUSED WAS IN FULL COMPLIANCE AND COULD NOT RESIST IF THEY WANTED TO WHEN 3,4,5 AND MORE 250 POUND PLUS MILITAY AND POLICE ACCDEMY TRAINED COP ALL HAVE HAVE LAID FIRM HANDS ON US.YET ALL THE LEGAL REPRESENTOR PRETEND THEY CAN NOT REASON THE FACTS FROM A CLEAR VIDEO. PLUS THE TESTIMONIES OF THE CIVILIAN I WITNESS.THEY ALL (legal system administrator) HAVE PLEDGED AN ALLEGIANCE not to hear anything beyond the word of the police involved.We dont have to form no special group to do this as we are already a special group.We are their special targets of hatred,we are YHWH especially chosen people.We simply have to knuckle down, put YHWH first in our lives defend ourselves against their savage assaults on us and our lives.I can not stand aside and just allow these badge carrying criminal to brutalize an innocent brother or sister.I may have to go to prison or lose my life standing in their/our defense but so be it.I am already comforted in the words of the Messiah @ John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend. It was a customary thing that the Messiah would meat people on first occasion and greeted them as friends,as well I know the only enemy I have among my brothers and sisters are the one who chose to be my enemy, as I did not make them myself.Stay tuned for the news flash.I will not allow them to take my life but I will freely give it in defense of my sister or brother.I REALLY LOVE YOU PEOPLE AND ALWAYS HAVE.I THINK SOMETIMES THAT I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU LOVE YOUR SELVES.NOR IM I A WEAKLING OR COWARD.ITS A SHAME THAT ALL OF US ARE NOT READY FOR THIS AND THE ONES THAT ARE,ARE WIDELY SCATTERED.JUST SAYING IF SOMETHING LIKE THIS SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU IN MY PRESENCE YOU HAVE HELP.PROVIDED YOURE NOT A FAGGOT OR A BUTCH,IN WHICH CASE YOU NEED YOUR ASS BEAT.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 19:02:04 +0000

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