Our coaches Chris, and Marie have taught us that every marathon - TopicsExpress


Our coaches Chris, and Marie have taught us that every marathon has a story. They do, they are like great suspense novels that keep you guessing until the very end, they have plot twists, and sometimes the most surprising of endings. This marathon was no different, it started with anxiety, and relief to be under way (its always the biggest relief to cross the start line and put all of your training into practice). My story for this years marathon is that I finished...it wasnt a pr, but it was a victory. I finished in 7:40ish minutes, I finished flanked by wonder women (for real), I finished running. The plot twist for this years marathon is that I had a pretty nasty fall around mile 3, on one of the bridges that they put carpet down to cover the metal grates. I fell hard landed with my arms at my side banged up my left knee and my right hip and right shoulder, and knocked the wind out of myself. I was in pain but ok until all of the adrenaline wore off at around mile 13 and it became to much to run...from that moment on it was run a little when we could...which wasnt much. I did what I could to maintain a decent walk speed, and my partner Mary stayed with me until I had coaches with me and then she finally took off and got her very much deserved pr! I am proud of my finish...I havent ever experienced that level of pain during a run, and I finished. I had so much support, between my beautiful and crazy wife Katie, and our equally crazy friend Kathleen who dressed up as Wonder Woman to cheer (and were literally everywhere!), to all of my friends who were out on the course cheering, to every single person from TEAM out there running with purpose, to the coaches who were as always phenomenal. I am proud of my finish because it was hard fought, and if Im being completely honest...I had many moments I wanted to quit. In those moments we would see someone cheering, or a coach, some random stranger would tell that we were inspiring them, or Mary would break into song, or we would come upon a TEAMmate who was struggling and needed our encouragment. Those moments kept me going. Right now Im taking a few days to rest and relax, then its on to the next challenge. I have a 50k ultra in a few weeks I need to continue to prepare for, but Im going to enjoy this finish, Im going to review the plot of the story for this years marathon, and remember its a great story.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:50:07 +0000

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