Our combined ignorance as a country has us where we are. Lying to - TopicsExpress


Our combined ignorance as a country has us where we are. Lying to our children about science, to keep the religious doctrine in place is insane. Create a false narrative to match the perceived reality that is being pushed at us. At a time when video from surveillance cameras showing Black criminals sucker punching innocent people can readily be found on the internet. Where videos of Black people fighting, and photographs of those that have been shot down by police flashing what are called gang signs our proof of their misdemeanor history. We are at a serious cross roads in the United States of America. We as people can become allies or we can side with the various factions of those that want to be in power which only keeps up powerless. I strongly encourage you to look beyond religious belief, look beyond what is termed as race, set aside your racism and biases of others and come together under one understanding. If you do not stand up for your neighbor today who will be there to stand up for you when they come to get you. To my friends in #NRA and other conservative groups the issues and problems that you see before you will not stop until the dragon you are riding upon eats its own rider, then it will truly be out of control. There is no need for violent rebellion that option has been removed from the list of choices because you neighbors are afraid of gun owners. There are no more effective methods of protesting, because you now must get a permit from those that you oppose to oppose them and you can only do it in designated areas away from where your demonstration will be seen. Those that do speak out seem deluded into thinking that they have something to say and speak for all of us but can barely speak from their own hearts. Our social leaders that seemingly speak for the disenfranchised are impressive but they seem to be only interested in their next sound bite or how good of a book deal they are going to get. You have been convinced that you do not know what is best for you because you have been told for so long that someone else either knows better or those that try to help you are doing it because they are taking advantage of you. Learn what is right, learn what is fair act accordingly and maybe just maybe you might make a difference that includes all of us. . poemhunter/best-poems/khristian-e-kay/what-will-you-say-when-they-come-for-me/
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 05:51:06 +0000

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