Our continued Guidelines for Planner Pad organizer - TopicsExpress


Our continued Guidelines for Planner Pad organizer users…. The final step in the funnel effect of your Planner Pad is scheduling. The lower portion (appointment section) of your weekly planning pages replaces the common appointment book or weekly calendar. It is the place to schedule people to see, places to go and things to do from your list in the “daily things to do”. Think of this section as the tip of the funnel. It is the point of action. Most of us really write down meetings with other people. We record date, time, and place, so we will not forget to be there. However, do not underestimate the power of the appointment with yourself. Scheduling the time to work on a task legitimizes any activity and is important in getting things done efficiently. Now, what about those things you don’t accomplish during the week? What happens to them? Do you have to transfer to the next week, and the next week, and maybe the week after that? With the common vertical master list – you cross out the things you did – add a few new things-to-do, and then recopy everything to make it neater. It becomes a game, feeling busy by making a list of a list. With your Planner Pad, you reduce or eliminate the need to keep moving the undone endlessly forward. At the end of the week, simply fold-over the upper right hand corner of your weekly planning page. There is a pre-printed dotted line to guide you. Fold down the corner, but do not cut it off yet. This folded corner helps you find the current week easily, and it becomes your signal that you have not yet cleared these pages. What you did not act on during the week can usually stay there. Just simply fold the page corner where you see the dotted line. When you have down time (evenings, weekends watching television – perhaps in a lobby or waiting room), look back and review any page with a folded corner. Determine then, whether the left undone is still worth doing. You will find entries that are still important. They just were not urgent enough that you had to take action during that week. Decide now what needs to be followed-up, or forgotten. Ideas relating to long term planning can be transferred to the back section of your Planner Pad organizer in the “goals and projects” page. Once the page is cleared, cut the corner off and you know now you will never have to deal with anything written on those pages again. Those turned page corners may accumulate. As many as 3, 4, 5, or 6 weeks back. You will soon develop a feel for just how much deferment you can tolerate. At that point, go ahead and transfer the important reminders forward. At least, you have cut down on the need to frequently recopy, and you have eliminated the things that were not urgent or important anyway.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:07:09 +0000

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