Our corrupt justice system makes it really hard to be a Proud - TopicsExpress


Our corrupt justice system makes it really hard to be a Proud American. I shouldnt have to fear those who are supposed,to protect me because of the color of my skin. Why is it that minorities get treated like second class citizens in this country? Why is it ok to tell someone to stop playing the race card, when we are still experiencing racism? A lot of white people agree with the jurors decision.... And you know what they have that right... But they cant however tell me how I am supposed to feel when you will NEVER experience racism the that I do. Ill probably get told Im too sensitive, or Im playing the race card... And you know what... I am being sensitive, and I am,playing the race card, and I will continue to until this country stops treating their citizens of color like nothing. These officers have taken the lives of humans and instead of justice these young men are being criticized and called names. Do we have no respect for human life... Putting race aside... They were human beings... Does that not matter at all? Why are Mike brown and Eric Garner thugs, James Egan. Shot up a theater and they talked about his accomplishments and said it was a mental illness? 17 year old Treyvon Martin was shot by someone while walking home, and his,past was brought up and he was called a Thug but the media Always referred to Columbine Murders as students.... No matter what side youre on, dont let internalized racism guide your views. Some of the things Ive seen and heard in social media the past week has been disgusting and hurtful. I can only hope that institutionalized racism in this country will stop and that people will educate themselves. Remember There comes,a,time that silence,is betrayal. Please,understand this is solely based in my experiences and I Will or change my mind... With that being said I will not be responding to comments.... Because you cant tell me,how,I feel unless you can see the world through my eyes... and that ladies and gents is impossible. #sad #scared #blackinamerica
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 06:42:48 +0000

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