Our country is hard why nt join the governmet of God GOVERNMENT - TopicsExpress


Our country is hard why nt join the governmet of God GOVERNMENT OF GOD 1.MINISTRY OF FINANCE( Haggai 2:8) Gold & silver are mine declares the almighty God 2.MINISTRY OF EDUCATION (Hosea 4:6) My people perish because of lack of knowledge. 3.MINISTRY OF ROADS(John 14:6) Am the way,the truth and life,no one comes to my father except through me. 4.MINISTRY OF TOURISM(Mark16. 15) Go into all corners of the world and preach good news to every creature. 5.MINISTRY OF LABOUR(Mathew 9:37) The harvest is abundant but workers are few. 6.MINISTRY OF SPORTS (Mathew 19:30) Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first. 7.MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT (Mathew 11:28) Come to me,allwho are tired from carrying heavy loads and i will give you rest. 8.MINISTRY OF HEALTH(Isaiah 53:5) I took all your infirmities and by stripes you are healed. 9.MINISTRY OF INTERNAL SECURITY (Isaiah 54:17) No weapon formed against you shall prosper. 10.MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE(Joh n 15:1) Am the true vine & my father is the gardener.He cuts off every branch in me that bears no Today, may our God go ahead of you to fight your hidden battles, your foot shall not lead you to a place of destruction, every arrow shot in the spiritual realm to terminate your life this day, i cancel them, it shall never have effect over your life. G.Morning 9JA!!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 09:04:57 +0000

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