Our country should not worry about the peaceful Muslim. The - TopicsExpress


Our country should not worry about the peaceful Muslim. The Politically Correct in our country will remind us that we live in a country with 1st Amendment religious freedom, but they neglect to remember that our US Constitution is 100% against a theocracy. Anybody that has read the Quran knows that that is the endgame of Islam. Even the peaceful will not deny this. So for you PC people that refuse to see that Islam is completely incompatible with our Constitution, know this: You will either decide to live under the liberty that is the US Constitution, or you will slave under the Caliphate of the Islam theocracy. I do not judge the people of Islam, I judge their filthy cult that was written by a megalomaniac, narcissist, pedophile. Knowing exactly what kind of person that they follow, the brutality of this cult, the hatred and maiming of women, and you STILL think that Islam is okay in our country, then quite honestly: you are NOT a friend to America, and if you claim to be a patriot yet believe that Islam is safe for America, you are lying, not only to others , but to yourself as well.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 18:49:18 +0000

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