Our county is facing some very serious issues. Revenue is down, - TopicsExpress


Our county is facing some very serious issues. Revenue is down, demand for services is up...mostly from those who are used to such services after lives in urban and suburban populations. Many of us know how to manage in a log cabin and mostly provide for ourselves and quite a few of us would be willing to do so rather than move but regulations and rules and our current culture has made this kind of living almost impossible. Add to that the fact that for many years those of us who warned and fore warned about using Government Grants and loans and subsidies were ignored. We felt that they would have strings attached and bring bondage in the end. But greatly because of the ease of the way our leaders followed that path rather than trying to solve and pay for things locally. We have sought funding for projects and programs in the county over and over again for many years...some good, some reasonable, but many because of ease and greed. Our people have become dependent on them and allowed other sources of income to dwindle, or even worse, be regulated. Votes for compromise have led to regulation until they what little producer employment left almost can not stand on their own. Our county and our people have become addicted to the government cow. It stings to hear it but I think we all can see it if we are honest with ourselves. In meeting after meeting for 30 years I hear a community problem and the next words are...is there any money available (from a state or federal fund)? We quit doing for ourselves and making do or doing without until now, we dont even consider it...and we have allowed laws to pass that often make it so we can not take care of problems ourselves with our own volunteerism and resources. How sad. We took the easy way, until, now, we are no longer free to solve our own problems and we are not free to live simply by the work of our own hands if we wish. Hanksville is a great source of the tax money in the county...but with the lake down and pretty reliable sources saying Bullfrog will be shut down in three to five years and off road use down to a few designated areas and trails that revenue stream will dry up too. Solutions...well thirty years ago I could see some...but we continued to compromised and accepted and surrendered to the point that I do not know what we will do now. And yet again again we have a compromise being pushed: the land swap for wilderness and some believe will result in opportunity. It will not. I have no solutions now, the juggernaut is huge and the regulation shackles have gone from silken thread to bands of iron, soon I fear they will be tempered steel. If I am right change is inevitable and it will not be pleasant. If I am to be proved wrong it will take all of us becoming truly educated on the issues, getting into politics, and standing firm. This I do know...National Park Tourism while vital (and I support it) will NOT sustain our county alone. Tourism will go first if we have any kind of economic collapse. I appreciate those trying to find some solutions but I hope they see that more of the same will not cut it. As in Texas and in Oklahoma so must it be in Wayne. We need to be the first in Utah to stand up and support HB 148 and demand access to every resource the good Lord has blessed us with upon the BLM and Forest Service Lands. Have faith that ourselves that we can use these wisely and to our benefit if given local control. Fight for the right to do so. And one last thing: Please, before we criticize those in public office think it through, find out the real problems and do not buy rumors. Disagree with them face to face and discuss FACTS. Make your goal to win hearts and minds not create division. We will need UNITY to win this if we have any hope of having our children being able to live here. And above all...if ANYTHING besides tourism gives a glimmer of being possible give it your support 100%. We must diversify income streams in this county or our days are indeed numbered, and there are those who would be tickled to see most of our towns cease to exists and the area become one great empty park for their weekend pleasures.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 03:06:32 +0000

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