Our culture has slowly and gradually eliminated God and any - TopicsExpress


Our culture has slowly and gradually eliminated God and any representation of righteousness from our society. Its pretty common for teenagers to be atheist or agnostic now days. Back in the 80s you never really heard of it much. I guess if I was young and didnt know any better I definitely would go that route. Its a lot easier, your conscience doesnt bother you, and most convincingly the world and all its pleasures is a lot more fun than obeying a set of rules. Sin is fun....in the beginning. Thats the attraction. If sin wasnt fun then I bet there would be a lot less people arguing over interpretation of scripture. Who wants to be held accountable for their actions? Who wants to follow rules? We all know of some parents who didnt or dont discipline their children or even worse make excuses for their bad behavior and let it go on. Normally these kids are spoiled brats who have a hard time adjusting to real life. Another scenario is kids with 2 sets of parents. One set is the do what you want type and the other parents are the ones who set boundaries. Of course the child wants to go live with the set of parents with no boundaries. But which one is actually better for the child? Which one would you want to marry when they have fully blossomed into a selfish manipulator? This is what our culture is...a bunch of spoiled brats who get their way by choosing to believe lies and going the easy way. They run to the undisciplined way of life of whats your pleasure? So whats wrong with having fun and living life on your terms? There is nothing at all wrong with fun...however the problem is when fun turns to sin....or the fun is sin.. We sometimes mistake an early stage of addiction for fun....there is no clear line to cross because we are all different. But our hearts and what we want to fill it with is a good indication. Humans have a problem with moderation. We dont know when to stop. If we think a little something is great we wont stop until we or those around us are suffering from our fun. We look back and wonder how we got so deep into this. Gradually. To the unbeliever, sin is a joke. They base their morals on what our culture thinks is right or wrong. Unfortunately they are getting a twisted perspective of Gods standard....and it sounds really logical. However, our cultures standard keeps changing...Gods has never changed. There is no mortality apart from God....not that they care about that. But eventually all sin leads to discontent, unfulfillment, and separation from God. This is our culture....living for the next high, wondering if this is all there is to life. Hopefully when tragedy and trials come they will turn to God and not their addiction or sin. God, help me be a light to the lost shining your love. Not condemning. Give me the words to say so that I can be an effective witness that can show an atheist and agnostic your love and the narrow path to eternity in heaven. Help me get any and all sin out of my own life so I can do this with transparency and be able to be a blessing to my family and others....but more importantly be able to please you and worship you with the way I live my life for all you done for me. Lord, please forgive me of the sins I enjoy.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 21:54:33 +0000

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