Our dear dear friend and most talented poet Marcel Toussaint wrote - TopicsExpress


Our dear dear friend and most talented poet Marcel Toussaint wrote this beautiful poem and then honored us by reading it at our party. I wanted to share it with all of you. A Ruby Milestone Marcel Toussaint © 2014 Rusty and Mark were married forty years ago. Their evening ceremony was in the middle room of the eclectic Moskus In Exile Bar. There, Rusty felt comfortable as if it were a second home with friends. Here is where she made her debut as a pop singer, beginning her sets dans le style dramatique with a Tequila shot chased by lime, dash of salt, her warm voice at its best, charming the audience. Rusty’s family included her son, Brian, a wee lad at the time of the wedding, along with her beloved Aunt Mimi. Mark had his parents and sister, Lynn, as family. When Brian grew up and married Michelle, Rusty and Mark became overnight grandparents of Michelle’s three children. That led eight years later to renewed joy at the birth of the precious Faith. Over a span of forty years, generations of cats and dogs have enjoyed Rusty and Mark as their adoptive parents. Today, Sam and Baby Jack are their adored children. They all brighten each other’s daily lives. Mark traded in his badge in Saint Louis County for a place on the Washington U police force. And for many years he has kept the students safe, his cool demeanor an asset with the younger set. Rusty, a creative artist, excelled in stunning floral arrangements at Hi-Way Florist Shop. Retired, she now shares her flowers on Facebook, virtual floral pieces that keep alive her vibrant past. When Mark is not out and about riding his bike, he adventures his talents in building guitars, turning cigar boxes into clever musical instruments that he plays on occasion to the surprise of friends. Rusty has delighted her audiences with songs at such venues as In Exile, The Feasting Fox and private parties at the Dahlheimers belting out with Jan a duet – Saint Louie Blues. Rusty used to enjoy making artistic jewelry. Now she prefers wearing it on special occasions. Why not? She knows she has a husband who delights in surprising his wife with jewelry. Both Mark and Rusty are avid readers. Given a preference, he likes Science Fiction, she gravitates toward detective stories and mysteries. Together they enjoy sharing reviews. When Rusty and Mark are not caught up in a book they both have been known to reach for their pens, she, a poem to share with her friends, he, an opinion piece to fire off to the press. Rusty and Mark’s combined talents include the animated Christmas cards they design, produce and send to their many friends each year. Art is dominant in their lives. Mark, quietly, is an admitted Skeptic. Rusty, bubbly, is an avowed Optimist. Their philosophies balance on an even keel. They complement each other perfectly. Mark is the glue that holds it all together. Rusty is the essence of this “all together.” Our sincere wishes for many more celebrations, years of togetherness… and everlasting love. Written and presented on the occasion of Rusty & Mark Werner’s Fortieth Wedding Anniversary
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:08:47 +0000

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