Our education system serves to impart necessary skills to us. But - TopicsExpress


Our education system serves to impart necessary skills to us. But what skills are those? Do we know how to grow our own food right out of school? Do we know how to fix a car? Do we know how to repair appliances? Do we know basic electronics? Do we know how to properly gather food? Do we know how to filter water? Some of you may very well know these skills but the chances are you didnt learn them in high school. And granted, we dont live in the paleolithic/neolithic era and our material conditions have made these skills irrelevant for the bulk of the population of Western societies. But that begs the question, What necessary skills are we learning in school? The answer is were learning skills that are required to successfully compete in the job market and procure a wage by which to survive on. Im not kidding, Im not exaggerating, thats actually what high school curriculum is based upon. Its directed by the government, and they direct it based off of the job market. And it seems like we dont have a choice but to enter this rat race of wage labor, but thats only because we arent being taught those other skills listed above. If we were taught how to do things on our own, how to sustain and procure our own survival necessities rather than having to work for and buy them, we wouldnt have to compete in the job market, we wouldnt be forced to rely on a wage. Thus, to that degree, our education curriculum is actually crippling us. I dont know about you guys, but I really wish I knew how to grow my own food and repair just about any useful object that might break. And once again, these skills are easily learned if given the time; YouTube is a wonderful resource. But the catch is that even with the easy access to that knowledge, most of us dont have time to sit down, learn it, practice it and perfect it, either because were working, in college, or both. I guess my point is, the average high school graduate could be dropped off in the woods and would legitimately stand very little chance of surviving for an extended period, and to me, that just seems weird. I feel like every human being should have at least very basic knowledge of how to procure food, water, and shelter without having to go out of their way to learn it. Again, perhaps those skills are obsolete and no longer necessary in modern society, but there could always come a day when they become detrimental to our life. Id rather have the knowledge and not need it than need it and not have it. Just a thought.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:32:48 +0000

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