Our educational sector is a problem today: our human development - TopicsExpress


Our educational sector is a problem today: our human development is a problem today, but i think we can get back on track. It is not all lost. Nigerians have been very patient and we must appreciate their patient and we must appreciate their patience. the leaders must look inwards to make sure that the build a nation where no man is suppressed,where development would come,where unemployment would be a thing of the past. We all compare nigeria to indonesia, brazil, malaysia,that we were all at the same level sometime ago.we should look at the mistakes we have made and learn from the lessons.we should not allow history to repeat itself when we talk of development in nigeria. Let me say that the road of course, is going to be rough and it will be steep but we can climb it provided we are honest and sincere with ourselves and we do the right thing. Democracy offers us an opportunity to ensure that that the nation develops and develops very fast. We have every reason to be impatient, we have every reason to be anxious.but when we have the required determination,courage and wisdom to be able to overcome the challenges and the problem we have had in the past we must put them behind us.we must be nigerians first and foremost and not our own local government or tribe. I think in the days of sardauna, awolowo and Nnamdi azikiwe, a nigerian was jst a nigerian if you merited it they will give it to you but not now that you have to know somebody before you can be placed where you want to be it behove all of us that we take the challenge seriously and we face the future squarely, determined that we can make progress. And once we do that we can make progress.i want to congratulate all nigerians on the 53rd anniversary of our independence who are reading from the history books about the way nigeria was those days.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:14:53 +0000

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