Our exhortation this morning is “IT IS FINISHED” John 19:30. - TopicsExpress


Our exhortation this morning is “IT IS FINISHED” John 19:30. The bible says, “They put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop and put it up to his mouth. When JESUS had received the wine, HE said, It is finished and HE bowed HIS head and handed over the spirit. John 19:29-30. After the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, the abandonment by HIS disciples, the trail before the Sanhedrin, the intense mockery and torture heaped upon JESUS, HIS suffering all alone, the darkness over the land JESUS had to redeem mankind with this word “IT IS FINISHED”. The darkest day of mankind becomes the brightest day for mankind. Therefore the sixth word is JESUS recognition that HIS suffering is over and HIS task is completed; JESUS is obedient to the Father and gives HIS love for mankind by redeeming us with HIS death on the Cross. So this morning JESUS is addressing someone out there, that “It is finished” to all the agony, the suffering, the abandonment, all the torture, all the mockery, all sicknesses whether curable or incurable, all the shame and disgrace in your life, all the gossip and backbiting behind your back, all the lack and want, all bareness, all marital delay, every obstacle in the life of HIS beloved followers “it is finished”, etc. So long as you keep holding on to the cross, that situation of darkness in your life and ministry is finished. JESUS did not stumble or fall, for JESUS went out bearing HIS own Cross John 19:17; to present majesty and dignity for you on the cross so do likewise, hold on to your own don’t fall. The seventh word of JESUS is, Father, into your hands I commit My Spirit Luke 23:46. JESUS was obedient to HIS Father to the end and HIS final word before HIS death on the Cross was a prayer to HIS Father. The relationship of Jesus to the Father is revealed in the gospel of John; I and the Father are one John 10:30. JESUS is returning to the Father I came from the Father and have come into the world; again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father John 16:28, JESUS fulfills HIS own mission and that of HIS Father on the Cross. In the same way JESUS is telling someone out there, that you came from GOD, commit your spirit in the hands of GOD daily, you came from GOD and know that you will return to GOD. Then shall the dust out of which GOD made man’s body return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return to GOD Who gave it Eccl.12:7. Therefore Dont be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into prison to test you. You will suffer for ten days. But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life says the LORD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH; Rev.2:10; New Living Translation Bible. Shalom
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 05:37:16 +0000

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