Our family lived in Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, before and after - TopicsExpress


Our family lived in Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, before and after the Missile Crisis in 1962. I remember our maid telling us all about the horrible things she had to go thru, went she went home every night. They would strip search her before she could pass thru the gate, every evening. She made 18$ a month, the Cuban guards would take some of that, My mother would give her nicer clothes to wear home and they would take them sometimes for their girlfriends, shoes, pocketbooks, ear rings, scarfs, etc. Our family beach was just down the cliff from the border fence, we did have some inter actions with the fence patrols, none good. The American sailors and marines would tease the Cuban patrol guards into raising their rifles, mocking them, mooning them, grabbing their crotches, etc. When a Cuban soldier was dumb enough to raise his piece, their was always and American sharp shooter in the coral cliffs to blow him away. This would incite riots amongst the enlisted men, wanting to carry it to the next level. Dad was the Admin Officer of the base. He came up thru the ranks, a mustanger. He hated to discipline these guys, but it was his job. Castro would cut off the water to the base, Water Condition Bravo, all of the time. The US Navy would bring in carriers and cruisers, with a large desalinization plant to turn salt water into drinking water. It wouldnt rinse the soap off of your body when we bathed. My brothers and I ran wild on the base, we were real heathens. Dad was the base Discipline Officer and we would carry our lickins and do it again Obamas wanting to give in to the Cuban regime is fool hardy, The Cuban people are decent, the Govt is cruel and untrustworthy. After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy sent Castro 1000 Ford 8N tractors, as a piece offering. Castro had these tractors painted Easter egg colors, sabotaged and lined up along the fence, about 25 yards away from it. Depriving his people of their usefullness, much like sticking up his middle finger, to the President of the United States. Obama, a democrat like Kennedy, should realize who he is dealing with. These Castros arent playing with a full deck. They would line up their own people against the fence and shoot them down, just to show the American military what they would do to them, if they crossed that fence. We use to throw animal carcasses across the fence, filled with contraband, American Cigarettes, cans of Coca-Cola, Snicker bars etc. then go home and get our licking. The base patrol had its problems with us too, but in a friendly way. My brothers and I would steal a pack of hotdogs, and throw chunks of meat across the minefield near the fence, for wild and stray dogs to clear us a path to the secluded beach. We had our own private beach and the lickin to go with it. Being evacuated was an Odyssey. Dad got a commendation from Kennedy, because it went so smooth. When we got back 3 months later, things were a little different, not so much the Shangri-La, Hawaiian Paradise as it was before. No more Spanish in the morning, English in the afternoon at school. Englise todas ahora. We lived there one more year, 4 total, I often wonder what happened to my classmates. I still have their pictures. I went to school in Norfolk with a few, but as in all military family situations, nothing was permanent.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:02:12 +0000

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