Our food has been spiked with something again. Mary didnt eat any - TopicsExpress


Our food has been spiked with something again. Mary didnt eat any soup that I had made. Black bean soup. I ate it and within a few hours, I notice that my nerves began firing all over my body again, some of it painful, some muscles contracting, twitching, involuntary jerking of my legs. I guess there is nothing that I can do. How can they get away with all of the crimes that they are committing against me & now Mary as she could have eaten it too? They come and go in our home without us knowing it until something I find is off, like the spiked protein powder that induced terrible nerve pain for both Mary and I, the ice tea that was turned into a thick syrupy consistency, and just this week, the soup and of course, there was my former Doctor telling me what not to do in my bedroom and bathroom, leading me to believe that there is a camera in the apartment. Might it have anything do to with the defense attorney having been formerly a terrorist hostage negotiator or having worked for the State Fund, which, Im told is corrupt too. Both of those previous positions would provide connections & advantages. Could it be because the defense firm Partner was formerly a WCAB Judge himself and he too, used to work for the State Fund? The forms that Charles Bentley, defense firm attorney, signed for me are missing from my desk. They were proof of what my exhibits were. They spelled out the Exhibits that I submitted for the trial. Judge Gordon of Anaheim, WCAB sent her summary of trial to me. Besides being inaccurate, it itemized what she said were my exhibits. Her list left out one of my exhibits and one of the forms that the defense firm attorney handed to her that morning at the meeting before the trial was entered as one of my exhibits (it was not a form that I had submitted). That form wound up being the first exhibit on the list that they say, I brought in. Not true. They took out one of the forms that was to be completed by both me and the HR Mgr, Claudia Nelson at Metropolitan Home Mortgage (parent company to the company that I worked for, Homefront Escrow) but Claudia presented it to me already completed. She had said to me, I know that you wont agree with this but you have to sign it anyway. I didnt sign it, I did take it to another attorney, Amanda Potier, and asked her advice. Amanda told me to complete it in red and sign it in red. So I did. I had that form as my 2nd exhibit in the stack of over 80 pages of exhibits, but they removed it. I told them at the meeting before the trial why I wanted it included in the exhibits. Remember, the Judge said to me before the trial, You dont want all of them to be your exhibits do you?. I responded, Yes, I do. She stood in front of me as I explained to her, thinking I had to justify why, I wanted them to be a part of the trail exhibits. Although, I didnt explain all 80 plus pages, I did explain several of the Exhibits and that was one of them. Blatant corruption and dishonesty at the WCAB and a Judge all to willing to be a part of it likely because of the defense firms connections and previous employment, and more fraudulent reasons including that my former employer was will to lie about where I was hurt. So, here I am, maimed from my skull down to my tailbone and more, and even the CA workers comp Justice System is committing crimes against injured workers! Yes, it is a conspiracy. I keep getting asked that question. Remember, I was told that many crimes will be committed against me in an effort to impair or destroy my credibility as I speak out against those who committed these crimes. All in the California workers comp system which is said to be a cesspool of fraud. Reverse blame is the term, Im told, that describes the method of operation. I called Governor Jerry Brown’s office again. Not only did I send several forms that I completed on their web-site (e-mails), but I spoke to him. Matthew referred to the supervisor, Adrian. I finally was able to get Adrian on the phone this week, Dec. 3. He said that he hadnt had a chance to review my e-mails but I explained to him some of what I had been going through including that I was told by my most recent former attorney that the legislators have been bought. He said that this is a matter for the courts. I told him that I need help as do many other injured workers! I re-stated that I had been maimed, forced under anesthesia, medical reports were falsified, and the Judge was corrupt. All, to no avail.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 07:45:55 +0000

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