Our fundraiser, Cleans 4 Cleavage, takes place this Friday, - TopicsExpress


Our fundraiser, Cleans 4 Cleavage, takes place this Friday, October 3. So far we have done some amazing fundraising - great job you guys! Each year we try to sponsor a local family who is dealing with breast cancer and give some of the proceeds from the fundraiser to them. All money raised through the bake sale, silent auction, twoonie toss and the head shaving/cutting goes to them. This year we are sponsoring Adam & Veronica and their two kids. They were longtime residents of Chilliwack with Adam having served at the Chilliwack Detachment for nearly 10 years. They have been married 18 years and have two children, a 16 year old girl and 15 year old boy. In April of this year, Veronica had a lump she found in her breast removed. It tested positive for breast cancer. She subsequently had a double mastectomy in May. Seventeen lymph nodes were also removed and were found to have cancer. She ran her first half marathon a few weeks after she learned of the cancer. She had been training for months and loves to run. Shortly after the surgery, she started having throbbing pain in the bone of her left leg below the knee. A series of tests revealed the cancer had already spread to her chest, neck, liver and bone. This was learned a few weeks before her 40th birthday. Due to the cancer in her leg she was no longer able to run and cancer took away one of the few real joys in her life. She is hoping to one day be able to take up running again. The doctors told her with advanced metastatic breast cancer they could not cure it. The only option was treatment to prolong her life. The average life expectancy is 3 years, 15% at 5 years. Really it comes down to how she responds to treatment and not some statistic. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy. She has lost her hair, energy and it has changed their entire lives. Veronica is incredibly strong and continues to exercise taking up biking and going up the Grouse Grind, as neither hurt her leg. She also has a real passion for figureskating . She can no longer compete but continues to get on the ice twice a week for the love of the sport. Her desire is to not make her first half marathon her last. Every dollar we can raise for this family can help. Please share this with your friends and families - lets do our best to help as much as we can! Todays WOD: As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 3 power snatches (135/95) 15 wallballs (20/14)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 05:50:09 +0000

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