Our goal on Saturday at the benefit supper for Bob and Cody is to - TopicsExpress


Our goal on Saturday at the benefit supper for Bob and Cody is to be able to bless them with rent money for a home for the winter months. Currently Bob’s only income is what he receives when he drives the Amish which can be sporadic. They can probably handle food and utilities but until he finds steady work rent would be a bit much. I am working with some possibilities in the Unity/Thorndike area and hoping for about $500.00 a month or so. We would like to raise about $3,000. Tanya is working on a possible auction also at the dinner. We will also be having a concert with the meal. There will be no cost to the dinner but we will set up a donation box. Bob is currently on a Amish run into Canada and does not have phone reception and so does not know that his home has been destroyed yet. He will be crossing the border today and be informed. Let’s pray for much comfort and that God will use this to promote them and bless them. Thank you all for your hearts to honor them at this difficult time. Several comments on the message concerning the doctrine of Forgiveness. If you missed it you can listen to it on our Facebook page. You will greatly benefit by asking the Holy Spirit to enable you to live it out. Remember also our challenge from last week on the message concerning Daniel praying three times a day on purpose. With our schedules it can be challenging but why not try it out for a week and see if you notice any difference. Something tells me you will. Fresh from the Throne. November 24, 2014 “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons; freely you received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 The original twelve disciples were given extraordinary abilities that helped to authenticate Jesus as the Messiah. As they traveled from village to village many miracles were taking place on a regular basis. The Lord always finds a way to reveal Himself to different people groups. Jesus was condescending to an evil generation that sought for signs and wonders instead of just trusting what had already been revealed to them in the Old Testament Scriptures. As one travels to different parts of the world where the scriptures have not yet been made available you can still witness these types of miracles on a regular basis. It oftentimes appears however where people groups have the completed cannon of scripture available to them these types of miracles, while still happen occur much less frequently. In our culture with the availability and teaching of the scriptures readily available it would seem that the need to authentic Jesus is more on the attitude and manifestation of the character of Christ then the outward miracles of the early church. When we, from the heart forgive those who have injured us is this any less a miracle then healing the sick? ? When we love the unlovable is that any less a miracle then cleansing the lepers? When we are reconciled in a relationship is that any less a miracle then casting out a demon? When we freely give what we have freely received from the Lord we make known that Jesus is alive and well. There are many that still need to see signs and wonders. God in His goodness will still condescend to their limited capacity and reveal Himself. However how much better it is to believe in Who He is and what He has done just because God says it is so in the Word. Like the old phrase, “God said it and that settles it for me.” Consider today all that God in His grace has given us. Mercy that has triumphed over the judgment due each us. Complete and unlimited forgiveness for every sin we could every commit. Patience in the process of transforming us from faith to faith and glory to glory. A love that will not stop loving us. Compassion for our weaknesses. Never condemning us. Come to think of it what better reveals Christ? A miracle that touches the body or one that touches the heart? “..freely you received, freely give.”
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:26:26 +0000

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